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قديم 08-26-2010, 03:41 PM
Nike Holiday Series Blows Over The Campus

Even though the weather was very hot, but as one of the big brother chaopai, NIKE Sportwear (NSW) have long been trying to launch new autumn and winter series.While in June this year, the first shot in autumn and winter series, the second Holiday series also, with campus for coat style, supra shoes to inject outdoor style. Improved design and more durable of Nike air yeezy, this costume plays Holiday series flagship campus classic elements, Destroyer of male or female jackets will design classics, such as the Central zipper and buttons,which allows more warm jacket. Some also include innovative double waterproof fleece with waterproof and warm function of cotton vest is also worthy of note.Dusty pink, the new version of NIKE Maharam Air Moc cable rope sports shoes to Slip-on design modelled joined outdoor style and Sharp wake up tone; otherwise new balance NIKE Maharam yellow black Dunk High selection cheap air yeezy. Lunar Path black and white gaotong sports shoes, outdoor sports and recreation in the streets, the selling point lies in the combination of comfortable shoes. But the Air Max 1 Premium, Magma and Air Force Air 1 launch more High combination of different materials such as jing skin or horsehair, and meet with new colors of autumn and winter season air yeezy.
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