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قديم 08-30-2010, 11:09 AM
sheet polycarbonate

Very complete design and construction detail for building a thermosyphon solar water heater. Includes building the collector panel, enclosure, plumbing… Only mystery is how did he bond the copper pipes to the corrugated metal absorber? Solahart Thermosyphon Water Heaters Website www.SolarHart.com Gray Water Heat Exchanger Grey water heat exchangers offer a way to recover the heat energy in the hot water that goes down the drain, and use it to help heat water. GFX Gray Water Heat Exchanger Information on Diagnosing solar water heating system problems. Troubleshooting Solar Water Heaters, Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) See the Troubleshooting section of this guide: http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en Details to date ... See also the entry just above for an actual version of this tank. All-Weather Concrete Stock Tank, Charles D. Fulhage, University of Missouri Extension http://extension.missouri.edu/...Gary A well designed gray water heat exchanger can recover a large fraction of the heat that would normally go down the drain in your shower, and some other hot water uses. Some helpful troubleshooting information for solar water heating systems. Gary This is a first cut at a simple insulated stock watering tank that has an integrated solar collector on the south side to provide heat and prevent freezing.The tank basically a plywood box lined with pond liner, and with a glazed sout side for solar collection. Home Power Magazine article, issue 58 Mother Earth News Article,Solar Water Heater, Issue 93 May/June 1985A fairly hands-on article on building a solar collector using water at the heat transfer medium. JC Solar Homes and Solar Collectors These are plans for building a pretty spiffy outdoor shower. Its not a solar shower, but I thought the detail on constructing it and dealing with drainage etc were worthwhile -- converting it to solar is left as an exercise. Please send pictures if you do. A Very Nice Solar Shower http://homesteadingtoday.com/showthread.php?t=321571 (I found this at: http://www.homegrownrevolution.org/ a good site on urban homesteading) Solar Shower Solar Shower User This is a little write-up from a satisfied user of the solar shower. You put it out in the sun for 3 hours, and get a 5 gallon hot shower. And, yet another solar shower http://manuka.orcon.net.nz/solarh2o.jpgOur $1K Solar Water Heating System The article may be available here...Batch solar water heaters Thermosyphon solar water heaters Perry A. Bocci A paper directly comparing the performance of evacuated tube and flat plate collectors on the same house and roof exposure. I don't want to get into the never ending which is better battle, but this paper points out an important consideration for some evacuated tube installations. Another live, online comparison of side by side flat plate and evacuated tube collectors... Compares two side by side systems with performance logging on both. Flat-Plate & Evacuated-Tube Solar Thermal Collector, Brian Mehalic, Home Power Magazine, issue 132, August 2009Or, How to get articles from Home Power ... A recent Home Power article comparing flat plate collectors for evacuated tube collectors. One thing that I don't think was adequately pointed out in the article is the very wide variation in SRCC tested perfomance among different models of evacuated tube collectors. Solar Air Collector Water Heater -- A bit unusual, but may be a good fit for some circumstances. Solar Air Heating Systems -- Water Heating, Steve Kornher and Andy Zaugg http://www.arttec.net/SolarDHW/index.htm http://www.airgenerate.com/products/airtap.htmlOther Applications (Agricultural, commercial,...) This is a very good video from Tom Gocze on installing and using the Geyser Heat Pump Water Heater.Tom goes through the fairly simple install, and also explains some other potential uses for the heat pump water heater -- very good. Winter use of a Heat Pump Water HeaterThe paper... (pdf) One problem with heat pump water heaters is that in the winter, they dump cold air into the house. This cold air ends up having to be heated by your space heater, and this costs energy.This paper shows the way in which the Heat Pump Water Heater was hooked up in a Building America demonstration home to overcome this difficulty. Water Heating with Compost Several schemes for heating water with compost here... This design was developed by the Davis Energy Group in an effort to lower the price of solar water heaters. The unique design allows more use of plastics resulting in a lighter and less expensive design. This is a soon to be commercially available, low cost, Integral Collector/Storage solar water heater. The retail price for DIY installations is estimated to be $2200.The collector has been SRCC certified, and will qualify for incentive programs that require SRCC certification. There is a CARB program that CA residents may want to check on. The unit is designed for easy DIY installation -- for instance, the plumbing connections to the collector are made with two Sharkbite push in style fittings, and there are no controllers, or heat exchangers to install. The collector contains 50 gallons of water for thermal storage that remains in the collector forever. Fresh water that is to be preheated passes through a copper pipe heat exchanger immersed in the collector water. Newest version of the solar heated, well insulated, double glazed horse/stock tank. Full construction step-by-step. All the details ... Solar Heated and Insulated Stock Tank Description and construction pictures here ... Very nicely done insulated and solar heated stock tank. This design uses a galvanized stock tank as a base and builds an insulating and solar heat collecting structure over the tank. Description and construction pictures here ... Heated Water Trough for Livestock -- Using the Sun, Steven Fahey, SW Alberta Full Construction Details... Very nicely designed and built insulated and solar heated horse watering tank. Good photos, plans and construction detail. Steven lives in a very cold climate (even colder than mine!), so it will be interesting to see how the tank does over time. Full Construction Details... Bob's Insulated Stock Watering Tank Full Construction Details... Details... (pdf) Mike's $1002 Solar Water Heating System Details... This is Mike's nice clean implementation of the $1K system with an adjustable tilt roof mounted collector. Details... A DIY Thermosyphon Water Heating System, by LonnieFull details on construction... www.canarm.com/agricultural/pdf/dwaterers.pdf Kris provides an extensive set of pictures of the solar water heating collectors and heat exchangers he is making. I doubt that most of us will ever achieve the high level of workmanship that Kris does, but there is much to learn from these picture plans. Beautiful work. Solar Wand -- Hot Water Assist for Cold ClimatesTest of the Copper/Aluminum collector... www.sacredpowercorp.com/ ...And another one with more capacity: Black plastic pipe shower ... And another very nice one: http://dervaesinstitute.org... John Canivan's book $30 "How to Build a Solar Hot Water System" has plans for building a solar water heating collector. I have not reviewed these plans myself, but they are reported to produce a good product -- and, you get email help from John! John can also be found at the Solar Heat Yahoo Discussion group. Heat storage tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, controllers, ... Full information on heat storage tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, and controllers here... The $1K Solar Water Heating System The next 3 Entries are for a simple, all climate, drain back solar water heating system I have been developing, and have installed at my place. Objectives for the system are: high performance, easy construction with simple materials, long life, and low maintenance -- all for a price that is about 1/7th of equivalent commercial systems. Quite a bit of prototyping and testing were done to get to a design that (hopefully) achieves these objectives. Quite a few people have built these systems with good results -- some have taken the time to send in material on their projects ... A $1000 solar water heating Full Details ... Heat Pump Water Heaters More information on the tracker: http://georgesworkshop.blogspot.com/ http://www.northrdt.com/ Heat Recovery Units Directory for this page: A simple homemade solar shower made from a few lengths of 3 inch ABS plastic pipe. Economy Solar ShowerBob Battagin Dennis Scanlin This is a cut at a solar water heating collector that offers a combination of high performance with a low cost per sqft, and an easy build. See what you think! An unusual approach!I guess you work with what's available. A Solar Water Heater Made of PET Bottles www.temasactuales.com/...More PV pool pump info: SunCentric pdf ... http://www.solarwindtec.com This is a small PV powered air pump that bubbles air up through the water during the day to bring water up from the bottom of the tank and prevent freezing. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has some experience with this arrangement. It seems like one could be put together from off the shelf parts. Freeze Protection for Solar-powered Livestock Watering System, National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service http://attra.ncat.org/new_pubs/attra-pub/freeze.html?id=Montana Overview of Solar Water Heating A good article explaining the various types of solar water heating systems with an the components that make them up.Once you have narrowed in on the type of system for you, you can get more detailed information on what's involved in building one from the articles below. Solar Thermal Resources Florida Solar Education CenterFSEC Solar Thermal Resources Page (very good): http://www2.fsec.ucf.edu/en/industry... My thanks to the people who have built systems, and then taken the time to send in pictures and descriptions for others to use. Some tests to determine how well two of our homemade collectors perform in a simple thermosyphon solar water heating system -- and, just to learn a bit about thermosyphon systems. Test of the PEX/Aluminum collector... Test of the Copper/Aluminum collector... Closed Loop and Drainback Solar Water Heaters Drainback and closed loop systems provide freeze protection for year round operation in cold climates. They are more complex, but within the capability of many DIYers.Some of the articles listed below on closed loop and drainback systems are sufficiently detailed to use as plans to assemble a system from components (collectors, pumps, ...) that you purchase from suppliers. See the information below and in the Suppliers section for some potential sources. Installing My Solar Domestic Hot Water Heating System, Guy Marsden DOE Inventions & Innovations report: DOE report on GFX (pdf) This is one of the two collector types that can be used in the $1K system described above.Gary Sun tracking solar water heaters This is a commercial product to keep water tanks for stock from freezing.Seems like a build-it-yourself one would be pretty easy? Dark colored tank, insulation under and around back, Lexan for glazing, plywood housing? Elevate it, and you could make a nice summer shower out of it? Corbett Waterers http://cobett.com This is Scott's very unique collector. It is built as one single unit that is 24 ft wide by 8 ft high. The absorber is a wide version of the PEX/aluminum collector. The ground mount and single unit construction make for an attractive and easier to build collector. Details ... $1K in the UKAll the details on Neil's $1K solar system here... This is a very nicely designed and built system by Neil in the UK. While the system is modeled after the $1K system, Neil has included a number of unique features including a fiberglass tank liner, a very nice big copper coil heat exchanger, integration with a combi boiler system, and a unique design for the collector absorber plate.All the details here... Denver in Ohio Does a $1K System for $800! Full details on Denver's $800 Solar Water Heating System ... This is a very nice job on a $1K type solar water heating system with some new wrinkles including: small footprint but high capacity tank, new absorber fin former, and a cheap and efficient pump/controller combo. With some creative scrounging, the total cost was $800. Woodsy's System Full construction details and pictures... http://www.jc-solarhomes.com/ www.motherearthnews.com This is a very nice solar shower project that was posed on the Homesteading Today forum.Very nicely done with its own solar batch water heater. Collector Glazing Materials Comparison of Solar Collector Glazing Materials...Gary Examples of $1K Systems Also, good Installation Pictorials for the entire solar water heating installation. A Solar Hot Water Primer Ken Olson This article is currently available as a free download from the Arizona Solar Center here How to get articles from Home Power ... Search for Issue 84 Overview of Solar Water Heating Home Power magazine article, issue 84A very good overview of the types of solar domestic hot water heating system that are available. Pro and cons of each. Some system sizing and installation information. This is similar to the article above, but with somewhat more detail in some areas. SDHW Installation Basics -- Part 3: Drainback System Chuck Marken and Ken OlsonHow to get articles from Home Power ... Search for Issue 97 Drainback Systems Home Power magazine article, issue 97Very Good description of the ins and outs of the drainback style solar hot water heating system. Good hands-on detail. Solar Hot Water for Cold Climates, Parts I and II Ken Olsen and Tom Lane How to get articles from Home Power ... Closed Loop Systems Home Power magazine articles, issues 85 and 86 Very good articles on selecting the components for a closed loop solar hot water heating system (suitable for cold climates). Lots on installation detail. Covers closed loop antifreeze systems and drainback systems. Installation Basics for Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems, Chuck Marken and Ken Olsen Mother Earth NewsSome of the high points on how to check a collector Solar Water Heater System Maintenance and RepairEERE site This is a really excellent blog style article on installing a solar water heating system that uses the Butler "Solar Wand" heat exchanger. Lots of good pictures and details on the whole process. Solar Hot Water Homebrew Style How to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power magazine article,Single Digit LED Display, issue 88Great article on designing, building and installing a drainback solar water heating system for less than $800. Good hands-on. Solar Water Heating in Iowa Roy Tonnessen How to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power magazine article,Solar Water Heater, issue 91Article describes an homemade closed loop, flat plate collector system for heating domestic hot water. Total system cost only $900 with some salvaged parts. Good detail. Maine Solar Primer Closed Loop Water HeaterMaine Solar Primer, Richard Komp Plans for a closed loop water heater suitable for year round use on cold climates. Courtesy of the Maine Solar Energy Association Large Drainback System for 16 Unit AppartmentFull Details... From Alan: " I believe a lot of commercial SDHW applications can make more financial sense than residential applications with the increased economies of scale. I have adopted commercial solar DHW as a hobby, and would be happy to help anyone with questions." A really nicely done large drainback domestic water heating system that serves a 16 unit apartment building in Philadelphia. A very simple, efficient, low maintenance, and economically sound system. Doug's Solar Water Heating system ... A detailed description and track record of the PV pumped solar water heating system that Doug built some 17 years ago. Still going strong!And, a 2nd PV powered system built for a friend. See all of Doug's solar projects ... Kris's Collector Kris's Collector Pictures/Plans Questions? Report Broken Links ... The fin to tube thermal connection is similar to the collector above, but copper is used for the tubing instead of PEX. This provides performance within 4% of an all copper collector in an easy to build package.Heating Water With Compost Solar Water Heating With An Air Collector (1.2 MB pdf) This is a somewhat unusual scheme for Do-It-Yourself domestic water heating with a solar air collector. This may work out particularly well if you are already building an air collector for winter space heating, and want to make use of its heat output in the summer, or if you just like the trouble free operation of air collectors. This is the Water Heating chapter from the book "Solar Air Heating Systems" -- download the full book here. Tracked Solar Water Heaters A Tracking Solar Water Heating Collector Details here... Here is a unique solar water heating collector array that tracks the sun. Its a nice, simple tracking and actuation system that uses readily available components. While the tracking makes for some plumbing challenges, the benefit is an about 30% gain in heat collected over a day. A parabolic trough solar collector you can build www.ffwdm.com/solar/solar-index.htm Full Construction Details ... Making cheese requires lots of water heating for pasteurizing -- here is a way to do it with solar. Large Drainback System for 16 Unit AppartmentFull Details... From Alan: " I believe a lot of commercial SDHW applications can make more financial sense than residential applications with the increased economies of scale. I have adopted commercial solar DHW as a hobby, and would be happy to help anyone with questions." A really nicely done large drainback domestic water heating system that serves a 16 unit apartment building in Philadelphia. A very simple, efficient, low maintenance, and economically sound system. Solar Showers -- A fun summer project Nice Outdoor Shower http://www.kidsfromkanata.ca/files/solarshwr.html A really well thought out outdoor shower that uses roof collected water. The solar heated pipe coil is gravity feed from rain collection barrels. Pumps water out to the waterer when the animal presses a paddle. Water is drained from bowl to a dry well before it freezes. Heating Water for Small Animals http://www.petfinder.com/...There has been a lot of interest in a collector that uses PEX tubing rather than copper to convey the heat transfer fluid. Here is a cut a collector that does this -- with careful attention to the PEX/fin joint, it can perform surprisingly well. This is a cut at a solar water heating collector that uses PEX tubing instead of copper to convey the heat transfer fluid. The fins are aluminum, and a lot of effort was put into attaining a good thermal bond between the PEX and aluminum. Testing indicates that the collector performs at 84% of and all copper commercial collector at about 1/7th the price. Extensive build, testing, and performance information is provided... Road Map of $1K Solar Water Heating Pages This is a list of all of the pages on the $1K solar water heating system. There are some alternative designs, lots of construction detail, several tests to verify performance of key components, performance data, and several descriptions of example systems.... Working DIY examples of the $1K Solar Water Heating System I've received feedback from a number of people who have built or are building the system described above or variations on it -- I've included some below that provide good pictures and/or writeups. The examples listed below are from people who built a system and documented it. The new things they have tried, and the ways in which they have adapted the system to their circumstances should be very helpful if you are building your own system. Thanks very much to the people who have taken the time to carefully document their systems! Kevin's WAY North Solar Water Heating System Instructional Manual: http://www.iap.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/pdf/solar.pdf English Translation of Manual: Construction Manual in English ... (pdf) (Thanks to Chris for finding this!)How to get articles from Home Power ... Mother Earth News Article,led lighting, Issue 85 Jan/Feb 1984A primer on building passive solar water heaters that integrate collection and storage in one package � sometimes called batch heaters. A good overview, and just enough detail to be useful. Solar water heating system components (heat exchangers, tanks, pumps, ...) Nice sequence on making the collectors ... An interesting thermosyphon solar water heater from New Zealand. Built in the 60's, it has a long track record of good service. The collector has several unique and interesting features.Full Details... Grey Water Heat Recovery www.motherearthnews.com(Thanks to Cameron and Tom for providing more info on this.) Commercial Versions of Batch Water Heaters These commercial versions of batch (ICS) solar water heaters would make a fairly straightforward DIY installation project with their simple plumbing, no pumps, no controllers, and no heat exchangers to worry about. There are other brands out there if you search around a bit. CopperHeart Batch Collector http://www.sunearthinc.com A commercial version of a batch solar water heater. Some useful downloads. There are several other manufacturers of batch systems -- installation of one of these systems is a good DIY project. SunCache Solar Water Heating -- Harpiris Energy http://www.harpiris.com/ Some more suggestions on keeping stock watering tanks ice free in the winter. Sun TanksDetailed information and manuals for SunCache: http://www.harpiris.com/learnmore/downloadliterature.htmlGlazing materials comparison Search&nbsp&nbsp The Renewable Energy site for Do-It-Yourselfers Solar Water Heating Solar water heating systems have a good economic payoff, and are manageable systems to install or build as a DIY project. Some of the solar water heating designs are simple and low cost. You can save a great deal of money by building your own system -- several thousand dollars. There are dozens of free plans listed below that should meet just about any need. There are several schemes that can be used to heat water for domestic or space heating use are shown at the link to the left.These schemes generally use a pipe coil embedded in the compost heap, and collect heat that is generated by the composting process. I'd like to hear from anyone with composting experience on how workable this all seems? Gary Heating Water for Animals Solar Heated and Insulated Horse Tank - Version 2 Full details - performance and construction ...Update: http://www.temasactuales.com/ ... See all of Doug's solar projects ... A Solar Water Heater That Has Stood the Test of Time, Lindsey Roke Full Details (pdf) Contact/About Legal Disclaimer Copyright 2005 by Gary Reysa Before you embark on any of the solar projects listed below, you MUST do a solar site survey. This will ensure that you actually get enough sun on your collector to make it worthwhile. It only takes an hour, its fun, its easy and you will learn something about how the sun moves. Solar Site Survey... Solar Hot Water: A Primer, Ken Olson for the Arizona Solar Center www.azsolarcenter.com/technology/solarh20.htmlThis is one of the two collector types that can be used in the $1K system described above. Full details on design, construction, and performance... NEW Performance update... Kevin has done a really fine job on his system, and provides a very helpful write-up. His system is in Northern BC at 55 degrees latitude, a very challenging location. Kevin had limited space for a tank, and worked out a copper/PEX hybrid heat exchanger design that requires less tank space, and has proven to be very efficient. Kevin has installed a data logging system, and provides data on both system performance, and the performance of his hybrid heat exchanger. From Mark: I’ve got a technique I have used in the past,Porcelana elevador de coches, with pretty good success, to reduce the open water exposure yet give a good drinking area for the horses. I cut a board to cover the top of the tank. In that board I cut a hole that is the diameter of a 32 gallon plastic trash can. The hole is cut to the size of the trash can such that the lip around the top of the can will not go through the hole. These trash cans taper from the top to the bottom of the can (I imagine so they will come out of the plastic mold). I cut the bottom off of the can. I then slide the can (minus bottom) down into the hole that I cut in the top of the lid. The lip of the can stops the can from going all the way into the tank. I then screw the can to the top of the tank so the horses don’t pull it out. Next I fill the tank with water. Now the only exposed water area I have is the diameter of the plastic trash can. I then use the bottom of the trash can that I cut off as my floating cover. It fits in the top of the trash can pretty well because of the taper to the trash can and it limits my exposed water to only a small ring which is the diametrical difference between the top and bottom of the can. All of the horses quickly learned to just push against the trash can bottom to drink. A calculator you can used to size the expansion tank on your solar water heating system. Empirical Investigations of Solar Water Heating Technology Solahart is a major manufacturer of thermosyphon water heating systems. They provide a lot of information on their site that would be helpful to a person who wants to size and build a thermosyphon system. The 2nd site has a very detailed installation manual with a lot of helpful information on bracing roofs for the added weight and other installation issues. Doug's Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater ... This is Woodsy's $1K style solar water heating system. It has some interesting design changes that might suit your circumstances. The system is doing well heating water for Woodsy's family. Cory's Copper/Alum Collector Pictures of Cory's collector ... Some pictures of Cory's nicely constructed copper/aluminum collector.Cory is using this for pool heating in Edmonton, Alberta. Paul's Metal Framed "$1K" Solar Water Heater Full description of Paul's system... This is Paul's $1K style water heater. Some of the unique features: Metal collector case, Selective finish on absorber, Poly drum heat storage. Paul also fitted the fins to the tubes with a copper based heat transfer compound. Matt's copper HX "$1K" Solar Water Heating System Full details here... Matt tried a number of innovations on this system, including: copper heat exchanger, metal collector frame, glass glazing, and the worlds first bicycle powered fin grooving machine! Some of the changes may be just what you are looking for. Gordon's New Zeland "$1K" Solar Water Heating SystemDetails... (pdf)How to get articles from Home Power ... (This is certainly well designed and skillfully built, but one question I always have when I see a tracked, concentrating collector used in an application that does not require very high temperature water is how the output compares to a low tech, flat collector? -- maybe George will let us know) (Thanks to Curtis for suggesting this) These Heat Recovery Units are heat exchangers. They pick up waste heat from your Air Conditioner just after the refrigerant is compressed and before it goes to the condenser. This recovered heat is used to heat water in your hot water tank. The heat is "free", and also makes your AC run more efficiently. These units may may make sense for people who have long cooling seasons, and run AC a lot. The saving depends on the size of your AC, its efficiency, how much you run it, and the length of your cooling season. They are somewhat less effective for high SEER AC's, so make sure they will work well with your AC. While the yearly saving in water heating costs for these units is likely to be less than a solar water heater, they are also less expensive, and potentially easier to install. (Thanks to Gary M. for suggesting this!) Heat Pump Water Heaters These are small heat pumps that basically provide a more efficient electric water heater. Heat Pump Water HeaterA couple (of many?) suppliers: http://www.etechbyaosmith.com/res_waterheating.htmlMaking and evaluating collector fins This is a good solar water heater calculator from InfinitePower.orgIt calculates what you are spending on heating water as a function of water heater type, fuel type, usage, ... And it estimates the savings for a solar heater. Get Into Hot Water -- Home Power's 2008 Solar Thermal Collector Guide, Check Marken with Doug PufferHow to get articles from Home Power ... Good review of all SRCC certified flat plate and evacuated tube collectors. A rundown on construction and SRCC performance is provided for each collector. Good discussion on flat plate vs evacuated tube features and efficiency. Other related info: SRCC ratings info ... Our collector performance calculator ... Suppliers ... B2E Expansion Tank Calculator http://www.b2epc.com/software/tank.shtml As of late May 2009, the system has been in operation for about 9 months and has performed well and reliably, achieving solar fractions over 90% over our cold Montana winter. This is a cut at $1000, all climate, high performance,Welding Wire, long life, low maintenance, and easy to build solar water heating system.It combines one of the two collector designs just below with a very simple drain back scheme. The system is unique in that it combines drain back and storage tanks into a single, large, inexpensive, non-pressurized tank. A unique heat exchanger that is inexpensive and very efficient is used. Extensive build, testing, and performance information is provided ... A $5/sqft solar collector using Copper tubing and Aluminum fins Full Details ... A $4/sqft solar collector using PEX tubing and Aluminum Fins A nice "$1K" type system from Gordon on the South island of New Zealand.The system features a very nice, all copper single pass heat exchanger coil, and a nice roof top, high tilt angle support for the collectors. Schemes to use the hot water from a garden hose or plastic pipe coil left in the sun for a shower. Adding an Al Fresco Shower, Ron Cascio Home Power Magazine article, issue 43If you are looking for simple, this is it. I'm listing this system in both the Thermosyphon and $1K sections because it shows how the $1K style collector can be used for a thermosyphon system. This simplifies the system, and eliminates the cost of pump and controller. This is a very nicely done and very simple thermosyphon solar water heating system. The system basically consists of a collector, a tank, and connecting plumbing -- no pumps, no controllers -- very simple, not expensive, yet quite efficient. Making or Buying Collector Fins How to make collector fins and evaluate collector fin designs How to make and evaluate collector fin designs... This article covers the various ways people have worked out for making the heat absorbing fins for collectors, fin performance, and some construction tips. How to make and evaluate collector fin designs... Evacuated Tube Water heater This system uses evacuated tube collectors. It is a closed loop system, similar to the systems described just above. Large Drainback System for 16 Unit AppartmentFull Details... From Alan: " I believe a lot of commercial SDHW applications can make more financial sense than residential applications with the increased economies of scale. I have adopted commercial solar DHW as a hobby, and would be happy to help anyone with questions." A really nicely done large drainback domestic water heating system that serves a 16 unit apartment building in Philadelphia. A very simple, efficient, low maintenance, and economically sound system. Performance of Vacuum Tube and Flat Plate Collectors Concerning Domestic Hot Water Preparation and Room Heating, Trinkl, Zorner, Alt, Stadler, Centre of Excellence for Solar Engineering www.thermo-dynamics.com/ ... This is a really fine book on all aspects of designing and building a wide variety of solar batch water heaters. The book has a great mix of how-to and engineering design information -- great for builders and experimenters.Thanks to David, the full content of the book is available here as a free download. By Example Batch Water Heater www.byexample.com/projects/current/batch_collector/This is from the Oregon State University Extension... Lots of good material there. Detailed plans and performance data for a simple Do-It-Yourself batch solar water heater.Thanks very much to the folks at the Oregon State University Extension for making this 1986 Extension publication available -- a note about this doc... Rodale Batch Water Heater www.green-trust.org/2000/solar/sunontap/Default.htm Very good write up and plans for a batch water heater. This one even looks nice. Good how-to detail. Florida Batch Water Heater Rovert Owens How to get articles from Home Power .. Simple batch systems are basically a tank painted black housed inside of a glazed box -- they work well in warm climates, and can be used in cold climates if drained for the winter. There are also plans shown for quite a few solar water heaters that can be used in cold climates right through the winter -- this includes our own$1,000 solar water heating system that has provided a solar fraction in excess of 90% through our cold Montana winter. There appear to be a number of these imported thermosyphon water heaters with integrated storage tanks appearing for reasonable prices. This may prove to be a good option for cost effective solar water heating.If you have one of these, and could share your experiences, please let me know. Gary... Homemade Thermosyphon Solar Hot Water Heater www.teaters.com/... The Instructional Manual has a lot of good pictures that make it fairly clear how it goes together. Its an inventive design with most of the materials coming from stuff that would otherwise go to the landfill.This is an actual implementation of the prototype described in the design in the entry just below. A solar heated and well insulated horse watering tank. It provides 140 gallons of water that is protected from freezing by lots of insulation and a solar collector that is built into the south wall of the tank. Glazed with very though dual wall polycarbonate. This tank should avoid most of the high electric bills and wasted CO2 emissions that go with electric tank heaters. Full Construction Details... Experimental DIY Solar Stock Watering Tank Details to date ... It is also possible to collect the federal tax rebate by using certified collectors, and building the rest of the system yourself. Evacuated Tube solar water heaters Home Power magazine, issue 104Describes a solar water heating system that uses only one conventional water tank. The innovative heat exchanger fits through one of the water tank plumbing connections. This system sacrifices some efficiency for a more compact system with fewer components -- this might well be a good trade depending on your situation.The article covers another innovative Butler product that prevents solar collectors from overheating. The Butler web site has pictures of several DIY installations, and the Documentation tab has full install and maintenance manuals for download. One-Tank SDHW Storage With Electric Backup Marken and Olsen How to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power magazine article, issue 96 Complete description of how to modify a conventional electric hot water tank so that it can be used as both a solar hot water storage tank and the backup tank. A Homemade “Factory” Solar Collector Fun Solar Showers for the summerFull construction details here... This is a very aesthetically pleasing $1K system installation. The system uses large vertical collectors to give good winter performance without overheating in the summer. The twinwall glazing also improves winter performance. Aluminum trim work looks great and provides weather resistance. Full construction details here... Chad's Solar Home Heating System Details here... Uses a combination of insulation and ground heat to keep water line from freezing. CANARM Insulated Stock Watering Tanks www.canarm.com/comm/livestock_waters/waterers.html A calculator to estimate saving: http://www.turbotecproducts.com/EPcalculator.html Installation slide show: http://www.turbotecproducts.com/EPinstallation.html (this could likely be a DIY installation with help from a HVAC person to evacuate and recharge AC of refrigerant) Butler website -- good installation and design info: http://www.butlersunsolutions.com/index.html PlansGary An interesting solar water heater design made from PET bottles. It looks like plastic(?) pipes run up the center of each row of PET bottles. The PET bottles (I think) act as glazing, and also hold reflectors made from beverage cartons(?) www.eere.energy.gov Freeze resistant stock tank design from U of M Extension relies on earth berming and a small trickle of water in very cold weather to prevent freezing. Idea to Reduce Exposed Water Surface On Stock Tanks Note that the freeze tolerant temperature for this collector is listed as 20F,Mesh Fence, so it is not intended for cold climates. The testing indicates a savings for about 75 therms of NG per year for a family of 4. Thermosyphon Water Heaters Thermosyphon use the fact that heated water becomes less dense and rises to power the water circulation through the collector. No pump or controller is required. The storage tank must be above collector. A DIY Thermosyphon Water Heating System, by LonnieFull details on construction... This is a very nicely done and very simple thermosyphon solar water heating system. The system basically consists of a collector, a tank, and connecting plumbing -- no pumps, no controllers -- very simple, not expensive, yet quite efficient. How to Build and Install Your Own Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater David is also the author of "The Integral Passive Solar Water Heater Book", which is good, but hard to find -- Thanks to David, its a free download below. Solar Water Heating Calculator http://www.infinitepower.org/calc_waterheating.htm These are small heat pumps that can be added to an electric water heater to increase its efficiency.They also produce some cool air as a byproduct that may be useful in the summer. I'm not a big fan of electric water heaters because of the high CO2 cost of using power from our very dirty US grid, but if you have an electric tank, this is one way to make it more efficient. Good Video on Installing a Heat Pump Water Heater, Tom Gocze, http://vimeo.com/7293519 http://www.horsesonly.com/amesco/info.htm http://www.deckmagazine.com/article/101.html Hands-on Basics The Home Power and FSEC articles listed below are the best way I have found to get up to speed with building a solar hot water heater. They are very well done, and very hands-on. Solar Site Survey ... Extensive build, testing, and performance information is provided... A very nice set of ganged, parabolic,Cutting Machine, tracked, concentrating collectors used to heat water. Can be made with common shop tools.George now offers plans for this collector -- my thoughts on these plans...Test of the PEX/Aluminum collector...Heating water for animals SRCC OG-300 certification results for CA zone 3: http://www.solar-rating.org/... The article refers to SILFOSSING -- this is: A silver-alloy solder containing 5-15% silver. It is used to weld copper to copper joints in refrigeration systems and able to withstand high pressures. Used to braze risers to headers. Imported Thermosyphon Solar Water HeatersOne example: www.siliconsolar.com/ ...David Bainbridge Thanks to Mark for sending in this idea! Solar electric air bubbler http://www.solarranch.com/spbubbly.html www.gfxtechnology.com/Air Collector Water Heater Maintenance and Troubleshooting for solar water heating systems Knick's $1K Solar Water Heating System Barry Butler A comparison of glass, corrugated polycarbonate, sheet polycarbonate, and other potential glazing materials for DIY solar collectors. Maintenance and Buying Used Collectors Secondhand Solar -- Choosing A Good Used Hot Water Collector Chuck Marken How to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power Magazine article, issue 112 April 06Good article on how to select and test a used solar water heating collector. Used collectors if in good shape, can have 20 or so years of life left in them.Full information on thermal storage tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, controllers, .... Florida Power Description: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/11/10104.pdf The Solar Thermal Manual provides a good description of the various types of solar water heating systems, as well detailed sections on installation and troubleshooting -- lots of detailed how-to. Very useful.Solar water heating basics This is a basic introduction to solar water heating, and provides a description of different types of systems and their pros and cons. A good place to start. See the entries below for more details on each type of system, and for systems you can build yourself. If the number of types of systems Ken describes seems a bit overwhelming, then concentrate on 1) batch systems, 2) drain back systems, 3) closed loop systems, and 4) thermosyphon systems -- these are the most common and robust. Some additional considerations if you want to build your own system... Solar Hot Water Basics -- Simplified Hot Water, John Patterson http://www.homepower.com/basics/hotwater/ A $10 DIY solar shower from New Zeeland And, yet another solar shower From PB Floyd and the Slingshot newspaperIf ya wanna be a solar pioneer, take a look at the Experimental section as well. This is a checklist to go through if you are having problems with your solar water heating system. GoSolar Repair Guides www.solarexpert.com/Repair.html#anchor13854 In a normal shower, you spend a lot of energy heating water from 50F or so up to 110F. It flows out the shower nozzle, over your body, and down the drain taking 95% or so of the energy you just spent heating it. The gray water heat exchanger uses the heat in the drain water to heat the incoming water. Heat Recovery Units Use waste AC heat to heat water Heat Recovery Units -- heating domestic water with waste heat from AC Potential Suppliers: http://www.turbotecproducts.com/EPspecs.html http://www.trevormartin.com/hru.aspHere is an even simpler one -- the hot hose shower. A Portable Solar Water Heater (Shower), Raymond Meloy, Mother Earth News https://www.motherearthnews.com Mother Earth News, Issue 62. S simple homemade shower made from a car inner tube. The Hot Hose ShowerA very simple one: the hot hose shower. How to get articles from Home Power ... It can be difficult to find a good tank for a batch heater -- here are some ways to find one, and to prepare it for use.... Eco-Smart -- Installation manual and more... This is a fully insulated stock tank with complete how to build it instructions. The insulation should dramatically reduce, and possibly eliminate any need for a tank heater -- depending on climate. Full details ... Freedom's Well Insulated and Solar Heated Stock Tank Pretty much just what the title says. Simple, cheap, durable, homemade. Non-Pressurized $70 Batch Water Heater Build Your Own Solar Batch Water Heater Florida Solar Energy Center FS-36 This is a plan from the FSEC for a VERY simple batch water heater made from a 50 gallon barrel. It cannot be pressurized. You fill it from something like a garden hose, and use gravity feed to use the water. A system of similar, but lighter, construction might be mounted on the roof of a house/cabin to supply gravity feed hot water. Similar to the "pillow" systems in this book. Can't beat the price! Beer Bottle Solar Water Heater, Ma Yanjun www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2360667.html Simple Solar Water Heater for Developing Countries A. JagadeeshHow to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power Magazine article, issue 76Description of a very simple non-pressurized batch water heater intended for developing countries. Might be good for a cabin application. Construction and Installation of a batch-type homemade solar water heater -- An inexpensive, Durable System http://solarcooking.org/bkerr/SWHeaterRev-1d.pdf How to get articles from Home Power ... Search for Issues 94 and 95 Installing Systems Home Power magazine article, issue 94 and 95Good two part article on how to install the components of a closed loop solar domestic water heating system. Lots of construction detail -- no prior knowledge assumed. Very good explanation on how to put together and install a closed loop solar hot water system. Very detailed. Pump and Plumbing Sizing for Solar Water or Space Heating System Details on solar pump/pipe sizing... This page covers the details of sizing the pump and the plumbing for a solar space or water heating system so that the system efficiently transfers heat from the collector to the storage tank without being excessively large. Details on solar pump/pipe sizing... Build and Integral Passive Solar Water Heater While this design is not going to be for everyone, it shows how simple and inexpensive a solar water heating system can be, and it incorporates some clever design ideas. Some thoughts on this design... Thermosyphon Solar Water Heating System Tests, Gary This book is out of print, and difficult to get, but David Bainbridge has agreed to make it a free download.FSEC's main page on solar water heating http://www.fsec.ucf.edu Good Youtube Videos on the collector...Note: this is a space heating system that uses the same collector design as the $1K solar water heating system. Chad uses 6 4X8ft collectors mounted on his shop to heat his home, which is 200 ft away. The collectors are based on these copper/aluminum collectors with some refinements for Chad's situation. The collectors pivot to allow the tilt to be adjusted. This is a closed loop system with antifreeze for freeze protection. Details here... Scott's 24X8 ft Solar Space Heating Collector Details ... Drainback and Closed Loop solar water heaters This is a pretty detailed story on the building process for a homemade batch hot water heater. I think one of the most valuable things is it passes on some things NOT to do -- things they tried that failed.Here are some more things NOT to do on a batch heater. Batch Solar Water Heater Plans and Data, W.S. "Gus" Baker, Tome Wykes, Oregon State University Extension, 1986 http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/... A description of Doug Kalmer's homemade thermosyphon solar water heater. A very simple and inexpensive setup. This link to Pet Finders provides a list of potential solutions to keeping water dishes from freezing for cats, etc. The electrically heated bowls they list use 45 watts intermittently -- about 15 KWH and 30 lbs of CO2 a month if on half the time -- not sure why that's their "ideal solution" -- some of the other solutions look better to me.If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Other Applications Agricultural, commercial, industrial applications for solar water heating. Solar Water Heating for Making Cheese http://jackrabbitcheese.com/...Used Collectors How to get articles from Home Power ... Home Power Magazine article, issue 58Appalachian State University does side by side comparisons of several types of solar water heating systems. Good comparison data for several types of systems. Batch Water Heaters Batch solar water heating systems are very simple. Easy to build and easy to maintain. Good Do-It-Yourself projects. These systems must be drained during the winter in cold climates to prevent freezing. The Integral Passive Solar Water Heater Book, David BainbridgeDownload this book Several heated stock watering tanks with R15 insulation and float valves to add water.Said to cut heating expense by 75%. Bar-Bar-A Horse and Cattle Drinker http://www.horsedrinker.com/index.html Home Power magazine article, issue 93Good description of installing a commercial solar batch water heating system. Good detail on installation process and experiences with the batch heater. Maine Solar Primer Batch Water HeaterMaine Solar Primer A simple homemade solar batch water heater design suitable for summer use in a cold climate, or year round use in a warm climate.Courtesy of the Maine Solar Energy Association. Batch Water Heater Using Stock Tank as Enclosure Details... New updates October 09 This is a nice simple batch water heater design from Ron that uses a galvanized stock tank as the outer enclosure. It also includes a movable reflector that increases solar gain without increasing heat losses. Details... Getting the Tank for a Batch Heater and Preparing It ...

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