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قديم 09-01-2010, 07:01 AM
Hot Bipasha

相关的主题文章: high fashion from life Hot Bipasha September screw! to take notes Twitter to share the photo, said: "September issue of Vogue Fashion! filming Fun!" Perhaps this picture will relaunch the career of Hot Bipasha? The latest buzz in Bollywood is that the former model has not been paid for the new Lamhaa last film, Bipasha has confirmed that you are still waiting for his money! But PFI remains calm and Zen insists that the money owed her soon reach its way into his pockets, it is a matter of time. We hope for you, Bipasha!"Yes, we have the balance to the left and we are working on a solution. There is no objection Lamhaa. It proved to be an expensive film, and there had been delays," said the star of the "Times of India." The most important thing is that we achieved many things in the film. And I see it as getting a chance to work with Rahul Dholakia. I am glad that I was appreciated, I came to business. I am not someone to discuss the compensation. We try to find a solution. Lamhaa completely positive for me, "she added.Perhaps she has already moved Aakrosh on his new project? Produced by Kumar Mangat and Priyadarshan directed Akshay Khanna with Aakrosh, Raima Sen, Amita Pathak and Paresh Rawal. The film is a remake of the 1980 Govind Nihalani film of the same with Naseeruddin Shah and Om Puri action thriller that talks about honor killings.Hopefully Aakrosh Bipasha is paid, and he does well at the box office! In any case, Bipasha appears on the cover of Vogue impregnable and that good things can come of it! What do you think of the new front-page of notes, hot or not? Share your thoughts.herve leger,herves legerleger dress,herve bandage dress,herve leger bandage dress,herve dresses,herve dress,herve leger dress,herve V neck,herve V neck dress,herve leger news,herve leger blog.
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