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قديم 09-05-2010, 06:52 PM
برنامج MP3 Convert Master لتحويل جميع انواع الصيغ الى mp3

MP3 Convert Master

MP3 Convert Master | 8.26 MB

MP3 Convert Master is an All-in-One MP3 converting tool that can convert WMA to MP3, Wav to Wma, Mp3 to Ogg, Mp3 to Wma, MP3 to WMA and other audio files between different formats. With MP3 Convert Master, you can rip CD to all popular audio formats such as MP3, MP2, WMA, WAV, OGG, MPC, and VOX... It is also an audio recorder which can record from any source available on your system and save the recorded audio directly to MP3, WMA, and WAV format.
MP3 Convert Master provides you with 3 functions
• Audio CD Grabber
• Audio Converter
• Audio Recorder
Key Features
• Powerful MP3 Converter. (MP3 to WMA, WMA to MP3, Mp3 to Ogg, Mp3 to Wma, OGG to MP3 and WAV to Mp3...)
• All-in-One MP3 converting tool with three functions (audio CD grabber, audio converter, audio recorder)
• Ripping all tracks marked with a check mark.
• Edit ID3 tag information
• Record from any source available on your system
• Save recorded audio directly to MP3, WMA, and WAV format.
• Convert audio files from one format to another
• Supports batch converting and ripping
• Excellent digital quality
Support Format
• Windows Media Audio Files (*.wma)
• Waveform Audio (PCM Wave) Files (*.wav)
• MPEG Audio (Various Layers) Files (*.mp3;*.mp2;*.mpeg)
• OGG Vorbis Audio Files (*.ogg)
• VOX Dialogic ACPCM Files (*.vox)
• G.72x Audio Files (*.g721;*.g723;*.g726)
• RAW Audio Files (*.raw; *.pcm). ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
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