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قديم 09-08-2010, 01:53 PM
مايكروسوفت أوفيس 2007 حزمة الخدمة 2 (المحمولة)

مايكروسوفت أوفيس 2007 حزمة الخدمة 2 (المحمولة)
هذه هي الحزمه الخدميه من مايكروسوفت للبرمجيات المكتبيه بشكل جديد وتعمل من الفلاش ميموري وبدون تنصيب وحجم خيالي
الحجم : 270 ميغابايت
وهذه روابط التحميل

Quote:The 2007 Microsoft Office suite Service Pack 2 delivers important customer-requested stability and performance improvements, while incorporating further enhancements to user security. Service Pack 2 adds the ability to open, edit and save documents in version 1.1 of the OpenDocument Format for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These applications now let users save, open, and edit files as OpenDocument Text (*.odt), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods), and OpenDocument Presentations (*.odp).

The 2007 Microsoft Office Service Pack 2 is the first service pack to support uninstall of client updates through the Microsoft Service Pack Uninstall Tool for the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite as well as via Windows Installer command line. The Service Pack Uninstall Tool will be available as a separate download,” the Office Service Pack team member added. “The Microsoft Save As PDF or XPS add-in has been built into Office applications in SP2. Users no longer have to download and install the add-in separately.”

The 2007 Microsoft Office servers Service Pack 2 (SP2) package gives customers the latest updates to the 2007 Office server products. This service pack includes two main categories of fixes:
• Previously unreleased fixes that were made specifically for this service pack.
o In addition to providing general product fixes, SP2 includes improvements in stability, in performance, and in security.
• All the public updates, security updates, cumulative updates, and hotfixes that were released through February 2009.

Microsoft Enterprise Content Management (ECM):
* Improves the performance and stability of the content deployment feature and of the Variations feature.
* Adds a new command to the Stsadm.exe tool. This tool provides the following functionality:
o Lets a SharePoint administrator use the Variations feature to scan a site for errors, report the errors, and fix certain problems.
o Finds and repairs missing peer relationships and corrupted entries in the internal variations relationships list.
o Handles the propagation of large volumes of variations content in a more manageable way.

Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Access services:
* Fixes Open Snapshot so that snapshots open more reliably, even if there is no SharePoint root site.
* Fixes display issues that cause calculations to appear incorrect in some cases.
* Improves connections to cubes by using .odc files in non-English cases.
* Improves the performance of programmatic scenarios.
* Fixes conditional formatting in Mozilla
Firefox browsers.
* Improves support for generating Excel Web Access Web parts on new sites.

Microsoft Office Groove Server (64-bit version only):
* Office Groove Server 2007 Data Bridge now limits the number of file-sharing workspaces to 64 to make sure that all workspaces can be synchronized. This limit applies only to newly added file-sharing workspaces. If you already have more than 64 file-sharing workspaces, you can continue to use them.
* Improves synchronization reliability.
* Groove Server 2007 Manager can be installed and run with SQL Server 2008.
* Improves the Groove Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) connectivity and auto-activation functionality.
* Improves error reporting in the Groove Relay Server.
* Improves the robustness of Groove Relay Server.

Microsoft Office Forms Server:
* Improves performance of large browser forms on InfoPath Form Services, both for memory usage and for page load time.
* Improves reliability of Forms Server and of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server by addressing the previous behavior in which an upgrade of an administrator-approved form template triggers an IIS reset.
* Improves the Digital Signature functionality for InfoPath Forms Services.

Microsoft Office Project Server:
* Modifies the queue service to prevent it from using large volumes of memory over long periods.
* Improves the performance of certain database table indexes.
* Improves cost resource functionality. For example, the server now correctly handles tasks that have material or work resources assigned to the same task.
* Improves certain areas such as resource plans, build team, and the server scheduling engine.

Microsoft Office Search Server:
* Improves the reliability and stability of WSS crawl, of SharePoint crawl, of crawling through a very large corpus, and of backup restore.
* Introduces a new command to the Stsadm.exe tool that lets a SharePoint administrator tune the Query processor multiplier parameter. For example, the Query processor multiplier can be used to tune the query performance for SSP indexing content sources that have highly restrictive permissions and many duplicates.
* Improves the accuracy of searches that involve numbers. For example, there is additional support for large numbers in which a comma is used to separate every three digits (for example, 1,000,000), for numbers that are between 9 and 40 characters, and for numbers that are separated by spaces.

Platform support:
* Provides full support for Windows Internet Explorer 8.
* Provides level 2 browser support for Mozilla
Firefox (versions 2 and 3).

Note: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 is required for 2007 Microsoft Office servers SP2.

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