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قديم 09-10-2010, 06:14 AM
lady gaga will not stop

相关的主题文章: justin's fashion Usa top model cycle 10 justin's fashion Lady Gaga has been forced to tame some of the little monsters of the week. The singer of 24 years was in the middle of the stage "Monster" in a sold out show in Washington, DC, Tuesday when a fight broke out in the crowd. With his hand still in a position claw Gaga has called for the music stopped and made the couple, who seemed to be the scene of the fight. "Stop fighting. Do not fight this show," she said. "Is she OK? Are they both OK?" I do not know who proposed the WHO. " Gaga has apologized to fans for cutting short piece, but assured that the guards were aware of the situation before proceeding. "I'm sorry, I do not want to fight," she told the crowd. "Monster fights just wrong, okay?" The singer raised hackles this week by posing naked, covered in raw meat on the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan in September. "Oh, Lady Gaga job some strange things, which is certainly as strange because the meat is something you want to avoid that is to be done in or on your body," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk told the Daily News. Terry Richardson, the photographer behind the spread of Vogue Hommes create a photo book with photos of the singer backdrop Monster Ball Tour. But according to PerezHilton.com Gaga mixed feelings has to be dragged around the back of the stage. "Sometimes I have to pee during the show, and I'm still crying," Terry, get out! "She says the gossip blogger." And he will say: "It is so beautiful. You're so punk!" If my fans knew was that I was pee in a glass of beer backstage.herve leger herves leger herve leger dress herve bandage dress herve leger bandage dress herve dresses herve dress herve leger dresses herve V neck herve V neck dress herve leger news herve leger blog
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