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قديم 09-13-2010, 02:51 AM
انا راح اعطيك تحليليي لشخصيتي وانتي قارني
انا يقال عني انطوائية
احب الجلوس فالبيت اكثر من الخروج
ما احب الاحتكاك مع الناس كثيرا
اكون صداقات ببطئ
اذا احب شخص احبه من كل قلبي
احب التنظيم
احب التحمل بالمسؤوليه
احب الخروج مع عدد قليل من الاشخاص وعدم وجود الاطفال
احب الجلوس لوحدي

اتمنى اني افدتك :88:

@ بــــــرازيــــلية @

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-13-2010, 06:18 AM


Help your loved one find acceptance and happiness in life.

If you're tired, frustrated, angry and confused about how to help your child or other loved one cope with autism, good news …
Autism is not a curse - it is just a difference, and a difference that can be worked around. Your Loved One CAN Still Be a Happy, Stable, Calm, Successful and Productive Person

From: Craig Kendall
Re: Help your child find acceptance and happiness in life Dear Fellow Autism Supporter,

Click to play
If you're supporting a child or other loved one who has autism this will be the most important website you've ever found.
Because I'm going to reveal exactly how you can get a full arsenal of proven coping strategies and techniques to help you deal with your loved one's autism AND to help your loved one successfully live with autism.

I enjoy and appreciate the information, anything to help my son and my own understanding of what life is like for Nicholas. It also helps me educate my son's teacher and EA which this process is ongoing and at times very frustrating.
Laurie Charlick, Brantford, ON, Canada

My name is Matt Turner from Australia. I have a 6 y.o. with autism (fairly mild). I found your work insightful and helpful - my wife is a doctor and spent many hours wading through medical texts to no avail. Our son Finley Turner is a very bright, friendly, healthy, unconditionally loved boy who can lose it sometimes. The guide helped us understand what to do and it helps him as much as us. Thanks for the work and I have recommended you to other parents in similar situations.
Matt Turner, Australia

"I found the book very interesting and very helpful to know there is an answer. Regards"
Debbie McKernan, Human Resources Co-ordinator, Lynbrook Vic Australia
"The information is a godsend. It really helps me deal with the students I work with because I didn't have a clue how to approach them."
Cynthia Smith, Tulsa, Ok

"Thank you so much for your information. I went to a therapist to try and learn how to be better in the relationship with my husband. My therapist has taken your website for other adults with similar problems. Because of you allowing me to have access to your knowledge, we now live a better quality of life-and we are almost 70 years old. Some peace at last. I thank you very much for your help.
Pat Davies, Bauple, Queensland, Australia

"It helps me to connect with other parents, learn more and feel like I am not alone."
Rose Pagel, Atlanta, GA

Your books have been very helpful and have given me a greater understanding of my friends syndrome. With this information I now feel that I can help in a small way to give her and her family a better understanding of what she goes through. Thank you for all your hard work in compiling these books and guides. Job well done. Yours truly
Andrew Jeffers, Brisbane, Australia

I found your articles to be extremely helpful...I applaud you for sharing your story and helping others who are going through similar situations. Thank you for sharing your story.
Candi Kilgore, Jacksonville, FL

"Hi, Mr. Craig Kendall
Thanks for the Newsletter, it has been a great help for me. Thanks Again"
Shanti Santos

I was pleasantly surprised by the consistency, and thoroughness of the topics. I think this is a valuable tool. I think this was a valuable tool for me because as a parent we all need a kick in the butt and stay on task, constantly fighting, updating and communicating with caregivers, teachers and finding tools for our children. Keep it up!
Peggy Stockdill, Daniel (age 13), Minneapolis, MN

"I feel like I can't thank you enough. As you know, we love our children so very much and we don't want them to just "fit in" but to live the life they were put on this Earth to live. I cannot say enough wonderful things about these e-mails. Getting an e-mail and or video (even better because sometimes I am too tired to read anything) from someone saying exactly what I feel and think is amazing!!!"
Noreen Lewis

"Hi Craig,
The information is very helpful. Since my little nephew as been diagnosed, I can help my niece with the information she needs. Its been a great help to her, when she needs a question answered. So keep doing what you are doing. Regards"
Silvana Ulisse, Canada

I definitely found your information helpful. My grandson was just diagnosed this summer. He is very smart and sweet. We will continue to be an advocate for him thanks to your information. I am including a picture of him. Thank you,
Terrie Scott, San Antonio, TX

"Dear CraigI have a 7 year old granddaughter who has just been diagnosed. I have a greater insight into the condition now and under-
stand her so much better. I always wondered why at this time of the year she never wanted to go to the shopping malls to see the Christmas lights and Father Christmas etc. like most children. And lots an lots of other things. She is very bright and has an advanced vocabulary and an excellent memory. Your articles have enlightened me and I look forward to them. Thanks once again"
Maria Drummond-Hay, Cape Town, South Africa

"Your newsletter has been a great help to me. I have a little 4 y.o. boy in my Sunday School class and it has been quite a challenge to know how to give a lesson in a way that would benefit him. I feel now that I can relate to him much better, as I now understand why he cries and gets distressed when we go into a classroom that has a faulty microphone which sometimes gives out a high pitched shriek, and why he insists on sitting on the same chair, in the same spot each week. I thank the Lord that I was able to receive your Newsletters and thank you VERY MUCH for them. God bless you for the good work that you are doing. Cheers"
Kaye Williams, Adelaide, Sth. Australia

"Hi my son of 3 and a half years was diagnosed today, I had concerns so prior to his appointment I researched it and joined your newsletter. The information was so helpful and very supportive it was almost like having a counselor as I opened each email I felt like some one really understood my situation so thanks you so much for that, it's a very hard thing to accept and you do feel alone but with the letters I was given inspiration and hope that not everything was going to be doom and gloom it was and still is a lifeline.
Mr. and Mrs. Allcok, ST Albans, Hertfordshire, England

"I have found the newsletters very valuable. I have forwarded them to teachers who work with Matthias when they apply."
Abby Brown, St. Paul, MN

"This Newsletter has been very valuable, in the sense, an eye opener to the condition along with the hope that all is not lost....please continue"
Alifia Nalwalla
Birmingham, England

Your newsletter helps me learn more. It gives me bite-sized pieces of information and it's topical format makes it easy for me to share with others. I share it with my husband and my mom mostly. And because the information is bite-sized, it is easier for me to remember and I use that in day-to-day conversation with close friends who have questions. Sincere thanks for your newsletter.
Hilary Reach

I have been reading your Newsletter for a while now. Find attached a picture of my family. Joel is the little boy in glasses. Thanks for putting a smile on me. My knowledge and support is increasing. I feel more positive towards helping my son than ever.
Mariat Lennon, Milton Keynes, England

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, how much your newsletters has help me try to understand my 9 year old son better he just got diagnosed in June. It's very hard for me still and I just hope that I could do it. Thank You very much
Claudia Nazario, Monroe, NY

I am Ben's grandmother and see him every single day. He is a joy. What your info does is help us to understand the melt downs that quite frankly we have always put down to the meds that he takes. We have proved your theory of a strict regime for Ben. Each letter adds to our knowledge. Keep it up dear friend. We learn from you every day and will I am sure continue to learn. God Bless you.
Pat, UK
This is information your doctors can't (or won't) give you. Information you won't find at the library or bookstore. And information you desperately need if you want your loved one to finally enjoy a "normal" life and do all the things you take for granted, like:

Find acceptance and happiness in life
Lead productive lives
Function normally without being dependant on others
Look people in the eyes and express and receive love
Develop meaningful relationships
Make and keep friends
Do well in school
Be independent and self-sufficientHold down a steady-paying jobTake good care of themselvesFind a rewarding career
Receive Your FREE Autism Syndrome Newsletter!

Fill out the form below and you'll immediately receive a FREE newsletter explaining how you and your loved ones can survive the CHALLENGES AND HURDLES of autism!

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لاللتجاره باسم الدين.
نعم لمجتمع اساسه الدين والرقي.
لا لقهر الطفوله واعدام البراءه .

راما علي الشريف

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-13-2010, 06:49 AM
rama ali وش دخل هاذا في الانطوائية ؟
الله يرضى عليكم لاتحولون الموضوع لي سوالف

مدريدية و افتخر

شكرا لك تطابقت الجنسية
ومرة ثانية مشكورة :88:
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-13-2010, 10:42 AM
لماذا سمي الانطوائية بهاذا الاسم ؟
الانها منغلقه على نفسها

ماذا تفعل الانطوائية في المدرسة ؟

من الطبيعي عند الانطواءيين لا يختلطون باقرانهم

ماهو افضل اوقاتها ؟
حينما تكون وحيده

هل يعملها الناس بتجاهل؟
لا و لكنها تشعر بالتجاهل لانها تتجاهل نفسها

الانطوائية مرض نفسي او شخصية؟

مرض نفسي و هو عدم الثقه بالنفس و لو انها تثق بنفسها لما ابتعدت عن الناس

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-14-2010, 04:07 AM
شكرا الله يعطيك العافية


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لا اريد المزيد من الجبن اريد فقط الخروج من المصيدة! شهرزاد حوارات و نقاشات جاده 11 03-16-2010 06:12 PM
اسباب اجابة الدعاء برو@ نور الإسلام - 6 10-11-2009 02:04 PM
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ممكن اجابة موني السعودية أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 3 03-23-2007 06:08 AM
اجابة احد الطلاب!!!!!! abu el3ees أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 4 03-19-2007 09:10 PM

الساعة الآن 09:05 AM.

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