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قديم 09-16-2010, 01:45 PM
Longines Watch Obviously for Sophistic fake watche

,fake watchesThe 7th edition of the Les Elégantes de Longines timepiece models is available in only 20 limited edition pieces each.The watches’ exquisite faces are set in 18 carat white gold with gemstones surrounding the case plus engraved flower shaped designs giving more brilliance to the Les Elégantes de Longines. All have a rhodium-plated dial with calligraphic Arabic and Roman numerals,hublot, blued steel hands, and an immaculate white satin strap with buckle.An evidently dainty watch for women has been released by Longines, which comes in three elegant models in rectangle, oval and tonneau shapes.You may find it very plain looking because of the strap,rolex watches, but the case speaks a lot. Get one of these limited edition watches and count yourself as one of the 60 people in the world who owns such chic timepiece.A 1917 and 1918 Longines inspired watches, these latest models are more dazzling and perfect for its versatile design especially nowadays where fashion and uniqueness is always set at its finest.
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