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قديم 09-27-2010, 07:03 PM
برنامج اضائة الشاشة للتمبية LightSignalPlus v1.4.1

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برنامج اضائة الشاشة للتمبية

LightSignalPlus v1.4.1

you find the built-in Notification Light feature for missed messages/calls actually quite hard to notice? Then LightSignalPlus is just what you need: LightSignalPlus makes all three keys flash every 2 seconds whenever there has been an sms or a call.

Replaces the built-in 'Notification Light' feature: As long as you have unattended messages or calls, the keys will light up every 2 seconds for 1 second. Once you have viewed the message or call, the blinking will switch off.

Has been designed to have the keys blink only when it makes sense. I.e. when a message arrives while you are currently in an app, LightSignalPlus assumes that you have taken notice, so the keys will not blink. LightSignalPlus activates the blinking only when there are no app windows open


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