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قصص قصيرة قصص قصيرة,قصه واقعيه قصيره,قصص رومانسية قصيرة.

موضوع مغلق
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قديم 10-16-2010, 04:33 PM
Smile الم و امل ..........................لحظة تأمل تصنع الكثير


There are many creatures on this world, the human is one of these creatures and he is the cleverest one because the civilization was built by him but his civilization and his technology become the main source of his pain and the most dangerous technology is the cars, it kills and hurts many people every day and that was the main source of Faris and his family's pain.

He was a brother to two young girls Dania and Dina, he was taking care of them, they loved each other very much and they spent a lot of time together.

Then when the school began they had to go to it that was the first school day for Dania and Dina, they were very excited to go.

Dina ran to the bus, she wanted to arrive to it first, when suddenly a car came very fast and crushed her.

Dania saw her sister with the blood on her face she was scared very much.

The people moved Dina away from the road carefully and called the police.

When the police arrived to the accidents place, they took the girls to the hospital and they called their family.

When Faris knew he went to the hospital, but he did not forget that the cars were the main source of the accident so he watched the road and drove his car carefully to get away from any accident could happen on the road.

Faris didn’t want to be like that crazy driver who crushed his sister and when he arrived to the hospital his sister was still alive but she was in danger too .The doctors told him that she could die any moment, when he heard this bad news he was very scared but at the same time he didn’t give up hope even after they told him there is no hope to rescue her.

He was taking care of her, he did not leave her any moment and Dania was with him all the time, they worked together to help their sister come back home again.

After two months Dina waked up, Faris and Dania were very happy for that.

Faris: How are you sister? Are you ok?
Dina: Yes, I'm fine and that because of you, thanks for taking care of me Faris
Faris: I was not alone Dania helped me too
Dina: Right where is Dania? I want to thank her too
Faris: She is sleeping in the waiting room; she spent all the night with you.
Dina: That is Dania she is very nice and cute all the time.

And when they took Dina out of the hospital to their house ,the doctor stopped them and said to Faris :Did you know Mr. Faris your sister was in danger and all the doctors gave up hope .We thought that she will die but because of you and your hope your sister is fine now (Congratulations).

After a year from the accident Faris became a police man to protect all the people from the cars and all of the bad technology and he said to his sisters :I will give you an advice can help you in the whole life the road is a dark area can take any one to the death ,technology is not a game , its dangerous and the cars are very clear example for that, but don’t forget that you shouldn’t let pain controls you ,with hope we can do any thing so don’t give up hope for any thing and keep trying ,the cleverest person doesn’t get hurt from the same thing twice .

(In addition, that was a happy end for this family)

هذه القصة كتبتها بنفسي و احب ان تخبروني برأيكم فيها



In this world flooded by ordinary princesses .. I will always be the fabulous dragon

Find me on FB

قديم 10-20-2010, 05:53 PM
Thank you very much
I liked the story a lot

You have great talent in writing

Congratulations on your

It seems to me that your English is good

Good luck

Accepted greetings


أبدعتي وشكرا لكي مرة أخرى

واثــــــــــــــــــق الخطـــــــــــوة يمشـــــي ملكــــــــــــــا

لــن يتبقّـى منّــا إلا مـاقدّمنــاه لقلوب مَـن حولنـا
فإحرصوا على أن تقدمـوا الورد و الجوري .

قديم 10-20-2010, 07:28 PM
ترجميها لنا بالفرنسي لو سمحت أو حطيها بالعربي
ومشكورة من غير ما باعرف معنى كلماتها
تقبلي مروري
قديم 10-20-2010, 08:08 PM

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة لوريانا مشاهدة المشاركة
Thank you very much
I liked the story a lot

You have great talent in writing

Congratulations on your

It seems to me that your English is good

Good luck

Accepted greetings


أبدعتي وشكرا لكي مرة أخرى

welcome my friend

thanks for reading the story

I'm very happy cause you liked my story


In this world flooded by ordinary princesses .. I will always be the fabulous dragon

Find me on FB

قديم 10-20-2010, 08:11 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فيصل العلوي مشاهدة المشاركة
ترجميها لنا بالفرنسي لو سمحت أو حطيها بالعربي
ومشكورة من غير ما باعرف معنى كلماتها
تقبلي مروري
شكرا على مرورك اخي
للاسف لا اجيد اللغة الفرنسية
و بالنسبة للترجمه سأفعل ذلك في اقرب فرصه


In this world flooded by ordinary princesses .. I will always be the fabulous dragon

Find me on FB

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الساعة الآن 04:06 AM.

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