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إعلانات تجارية و إشهار مواقع اعلانات تجارية, إشهار مواقع جديد, فرصة جيدة لنشر موقعك ومنتجك.

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قديم 10-31-2010, 04:34 PM
Smile alhashash furniture

Sudden end of the season for the liquidation of all models of 2010 from the Turkish furniture ..
1 - We have a leather sofa, easy cleaning and does not retain heat as other types of skin colors and models available to suit all tastes are also available in other models for the lovers of luxury and elegance ..
2 - we have a lazy boy who suffers from pressure and sugar, it helps to relax and reduce blood pressure
3 - Turkish sofa sofas 3 2 1 turns all to bed and the place of storage
4 - It is available in our dining rooms suit with small spaces and increases in length when you need to fit with the increasing number of individuals characterized by the quality of manufacture and excellent raw materials ...
5 - offices, kids tables and LCD Taki
6 - Mattresses and linen brand Aldora or Rich Home
7 - We also offer competitive prices in the mattress, we are agents for companies (Taki - Rich Home - Aldora - Forbd - Habitat)
Visit us at our website:

Or call us at the following numbers: 0167070671 or 25040835 or 0104820010
Address: Street Mokattam 9 pieces in front of children Rajab 910
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جميع مستلزمات الديكور والاثاث الخاصة بالحمامات (( Bathroom Furniture)) mr.easy2 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 5 05-30-2008 11:13 PM

الساعة الآن 08:19 PM.

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