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قديم 10-31-2010, 09:30 PM
برنامج Opera Mini 5.10(22395) Beta باخر اصدار له

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Opera Mini 5.10(22395) Beta

باخر اصدار له

Opera Mini 5.10(22395) Beta S60v5

SymbianOS9.x Signed {NOW MINI in SIS FORMAT}

Opera Mini enables you to take your full Web experience to your mobile phone. Stay in touch with your friends on Facebook, search with Google, get your e-mail on the go, do your online banking. There are no limits - Opera Mini is the quick, easy and secure way to get any Web page you want.

Opera Mini is now available as a native version for Symbian. This means improvements in loading time (overall) and a flawless integration with your phone!


• Faster start up time.
• Even faster page loading.
• Improved scrolling performance.
• Integration with your your phone native input.
• Improved performance, especially for older S60 devices.
• Improved fonts.
• Device integration for cut-and-paste, email client and more.
• No more dialogue boxes asking permission to connect to the Web.

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قديم 11-01-2010, 01:03 AM
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قديم 11-07-2010, 01:34 PM
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