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علوم و طبيعة علوم الأرض و البحار, علوم النباتات, علوم الحيوانات, الفلك وعلوم الفضاء , و البيئة

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قديم 11-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Does crystal water carry a universal message?‏

Hi ,
After watching Part Three, I couldn't wait to see the impact thoughts had on tap water in Part Four!
Today, we have the final video from Dr. Emoto about the crystalline properties of water.
Does crystal water carry a universal message?
Mother Nature is the root of everything. Everything in tune with Nature produces beautiful hexagonal crystals. And what isn't?
Go to
Part Four here (5:05).
Now that you have finished the four videos from Dr. Emoto, you will have access to an exciting bonus 12 part video by David Sereda: "Amazing Water ~ Is it Conscious?" in your next email.
Unannounced Bonus:
Spirit of Ma'at (Reiko Myamoto Dewey) Interview with Dr Emoto
(Opens in new window)
Dr. Emoto has shown the power of prayer and thought to influence/change/transform water. Many of our viewers have commented about how difficult it is to remember, or even to take the time. After all, how often do you say Grace before eating? Or even send positive thoughts at your water?
And those are your Conscious thoughts. What is going on in your subconscious mind?
Human beings are amazing problem solvers. We are constantly figuring out ways to speed up our processes. Or make them easier.
It is possible to walk from NY to LA, but most of us fly. It is possible to spend 15 minutes sending LOVE to our water before drinking it, but most of us don't have the time to do that to all of the 8 glasses of water we are supposed to drink.
Throughout the world, people have discovered solutions to that problem and over the series of FREE videos that you will be watching you will have an opportunity to learn about the ones we have been the most moved by.
Please support our Sponsor.
Enhance Your Senses...
Balance Your Energy Circuits
Energized Volixer Water
This is probably the most energized water you will ever encounter.

Give it a go - you will not be disappointed.
If you have never tried highly energized water, prepare for a sensory expansion you did not know was possible.
Use a teaspoon of the Volixer concentrate in a quart of water to reconstitute it and create the most powerful water experience you've ever experienced.
Learn more here:
Remember to watch Part Four here.
To Your Health,
Martin Pytela,
Life Enthusiast Co-op

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-02-2010, 09:30 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-03-2010, 06:52 PM
Hi ... I'm Glad to see ya ... didn't you Understand the :77: subject saku? It's tooooooo easy
شكرا على المرور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-03-2010, 06:53 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-03-2010, 06:54 PM
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