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قديم 11-03-2010, 01:06 PM
برنامج ادوبى الاشهر للمونتاج المنزلى Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0 Multilingual ESD ISO

Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0 Multilingual ESD ISO

يعتبر برنامج Adobe Premiere Elements أحد أشهر برامج المونتاج المنزلي المقدم من أدوبي صاحبة برامج التصميم الشهيرة ،
هذا البرنامج أداة متكاملة لمن يردون دخول عالم المونتاج لأول مرة،
بواسطته تستطيع أن تعمل فلم كامل إلى تصل إلى تصميم واجه الـ CD أو الـ DVD الخاص بك،
ستجده شبيه ببرنامج Corel video studio إلا أنه تميز بمميزات رائعة في هذا الإصدار .

The #1 selling consumer video-editing software. Incredible movies, effortlessly! Adobe® Premiere® Elements 9 software delivers powerful, automated movie-editing options; professional-quality effects; quick and easy sharing; and more. And now enjoy a complete solution for videos whether you use Windows® or Mac OS.

Enhance your movies with professional flair enhanced
Use state-of-the-art effects options to enhance your movies with eye-catching visual effects and professional-quality audio. (Access more effects and get ongoing deliveries with Plus.)

Jazz up the action
Give your movie an eye-catching cartoon look. Choose from a variety of animation styles, and customize as you wish.

Share in an exciting new way on the web
Debut your movie with a convenient, interactive web DVD viewing experience. Easily share your movie — complete with a scene index and chapter menus — on Photoshop.com or your own website.

Quickly share videos and photos on Facebook
Conveniently share videos and photos on Facebook* directly from the Organizer, which automatically optimizes your media so it looks its best.

Get creative inspiration enhanced
Bring your ideas to life with relevant how-tos that appear just when you need them.* (Access more how-tos and get ongoing deliveries with Plus.)

Easily fix audio problems
Easily reduce background noise and fix problems with audio volume and clarity so your movie has high-quality sound from start to finish.

Enjoy support for popular cameras
Easily bring in video from compact camcorders like Flip cameras as well as from DSLR still cameras.

Enjoy optimized HD editing enhanced
Experience fluid responsiveness and high performance when editing video, even HD.

Now available for Mac OS
Whether you use Mac OS or Windows®, you can now use the #1 selling consumer video-editing software† to easily create incredible home movies.

SIZE : 136 MB

الامتداد ISO

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