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قديم 11-03-2010, 01:47 PM
عملاق تصميم مواقع الويب بديل الفرونت بيج من ميكروسفتMicrosoft Expression Studio 4 Ult

Microsoft Expression Studio 4 Ultimate Final

عمل البرنامج
تصميم مواقع وباحتراف

هذا البرنامج بديل عن الفرونت بيج من شركة مايكروسوفت

البرنامج مفعل لا يحتاج سريال او اي اداة تفعيل

Expression Studio 4 Ultimate
* create rich experiences for desktop and web
* build standards-based website with cross browser debugging support
* prototype your ideas rapidly with efficient client feedback enablement
* encode easily to a wide array of video file formats
What is included in Expression Studio 4 Ultimate?
Expression Blend®

Top 10 Features

1. Revolutionize the speed of prototyping
SketchFlow enables you quickly create an effective prototype to present ideas, user interface flows, screen layouts and application functionality to your clients.


2. Enable interactivity without writing code
Behaviors are powerful building blocks of interactivity that bring a project to life by adding control of transitions, interactivity and animation to your applications.


3. Accelerate the creation of effective UI with sample data
Accelerate the speed and flexibility with which you can create your application designs through the effective use of sample data. Generate design time data on the fly, import via XML, or create from C# objects, then seamlessly swap for a live data connection at any time.


4. Fast, flexible, seamless: a workflow that adapts to you and your team
Expression Blend, Visual Studio, Silverlight and .NET provide the most impactful and seamless workflow on the market today. Ideas are taken from concept to completion with speed and flexibility, challenging you to deliver innovative applications to your customers on time and within budget.


5. Professional tools save time, creating web sites that deliver results
IntelliSense and color-coding for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP make your editing and debugging more productive. Generate elegant, modern CSS layouts with state-of-the-art, editable design surface with the ability to directly manipulate positioning, sizing, margins and padding.


6. Advanced visual diagnostics speed debugging
Debug web pages with Snapshot Preview, which shows rendered page changes while you code, and SuperPreview, which displays your page on multiple browsers on your development machine.


7. Rich standards-based web design with the essential technologies
Expression Web supports PHP, CSS, HTML/XHTML, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight (video, animation, and Deep Zoom), Windows Media, Adobe Flash, & Adobe Photoshop files.


8. Prepare video for Silverlight
Encode a wide array of video file formats, stream live from webcams and camcorders, or screen capture your PC with Expression Encoder. Make simple edits to video files and enhance your media with overlays and advertising. Choose encoding settings, including IIS Smooth Streaming, choose from a range of player templates and publish rich media experiences with Microsoft Silverlight.


9. Team Foundation Server integration
Share your Expression Studio project files with your colleagues by using check in and check out functionality with Microsoft Team Foundation Server interoperability (sold separately).


10. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator import — Utilize your traditional design assets
Powerful importers enable a smooth integration with the workflow visual designers are using today. Photoshop files can be imported layer by layer, regrouped and individual elements retain their original formats, layers, layer positions, editable text and vectors.


System Requirements

متطلبات التشغيل

Operating system
Windows 7, Vista, or XP SP3
Processor Required
1 GHz or faster
Memory Required
1 GB of RAM
Hard disk
2 GB
Media drive
Display required
1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor with 24-bit color
Connectivity required
Internet functionality requires internet access (additional fees may apply)


برامج يجب تواجدها

Browser required

Internet Explorer 8 or later,

FireFox 3.0 or later

Net Framework 4.0
Silverlight 4.0

Size :: 284.14 MB

البرنامج مفعل لا يحتاج اي اداة تفعيل


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