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قديم 11-03-2010, 01:57 PM
عملاق المونتاج MAGIX Video Easy HD باخر اصدار بحجم 250 ميجا

MAGIX Video Easy HD

البرنامج العملاق و الأحترافي في تحرير الفيديو حيث يمكن ان تضيف الكثير من التأثيرات علي الفيديو و يمكنك أيضاً ان تضيف أكثر من 8 اصوات متداخلة و البرنامج يتمكيز بدعمه للكثير من الصيغ سواء للتعامل معها او للحفظ بها و الكثير من الإمكانيات

MAGIX Video easy HD is the ideal program for beginners: The clearly laid-out interface, numerous help functions, and many practical wizards will transform your recordings into unforgettable in films in record time – no prior skills are required. Don't let your precious recordings simply gather dust on the shelf. In just a few minutes, you can cut videos with transitions, add text and background music, and even optimize image and sound. The finished films can then be conveniently burned onto DVD, saved as a file, and presented on the Internet. It's all so easy!
MAGIX Video easy HD is the first video editing program for the whole family. It's so easy to use that even beginners wihout any prior skills will be able to design breathtaking videos in just a short time. Transform recordings of family celebrations, vacations, or special events into video DVDs or present your videos on the Internet with ease. Give it a try – you won't be disappointed!

MAGIX Video easy HD was developed with the help of numerous testers. An innovative wizard helps while connecting the camera to the PC. Numerous video clips explain respective functions as they are used. The manual includes easy to understand instructions and extra-large images to enable the quickest start possible with the program. Probably the easiest video editing program in the world.

Only MAGIX Video easy HD offers this:
• Support for all standard camcorders: AVCHD, HDV, miniDV, etc.
• Comprehensive introductory video
• Practical connection and introduction wizard
• Automatic video editing wizard
• Clearly laid-out user interface with large buttons
• Beginner's manual with step-by-step instructions
• Help functions as video clips directly in the program
• Export to DVD, YouTube™, and as files
• Project archiving on DVD and hard drive

• Numerous new menu templates
• Cinema-quality video effects
• Numerous new transition effects
• Advanced audio editing
• Create Blu-ray and AVCHD discs

حجم البرنامج : 250 ميجا بايت

تاريخ الاصدار


For Windows® XP™ | Vista™ | 7™ - For 32-bit and 64-bit

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