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قديم 11-03-2010, 05:23 PM
برنامج الحماية العملاق COMODO 5.0.162636.1135 Final للحماية من الفيروسات وملفات التجسس

COMODO 5.0.162636.1135 Final

هو برنامج دفاع ضد الفيروسات ويبقاء صامداً وقوياً ضد هجمات ملفات التجسس والهكر اثناء تصفح الانترنت, فعلاً برنامج حماية كامل ضد كل الملفات التي قد تعصف بجهازك وبنظامك في اي وقت فهي تهاجم باستمرار العجيب انه مجاني . فيقوم بفحص البريد الالكتروني ومراقبة كل العمليات الوارده والصادرة منه .. يقوم بإيقاف الملفات المخيفة والتي يشك فيها في جهازك وفي قرصك الصلب او الاقراص المشتركة مع قرصك او رسائل البريد وذاكرة النظام والبرامج الاخرى في جهازك ..

Comodo offers 360° protection against internal and external threats by combining a powerful Antivirus protection, an enterprise class packet filtering firewall, and an advanced host intrusion prevention system called Defense+. Internet Security combines the power of COMODO's award-winning Firewall and AntiVirus software to protect your PC from malicious software and Hackers. Best of all is FREE! COMODO Internet Security will help you detect and remove viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software and hackers, and keep them out of your computer. In one easy-to-use bundle that won't slow down your computer. Version 4.0 sees a major leap forward in security and usability with the addition of the new sandbox feature - an isolated operating environment for unknown applications. Under default settings, unknown applications are now automatically sandboxed so that they cannot make permanent changes to other processes, programs or data on your 'real' system.

New In This Version :
* THANKS! COMODO would like to thank the beta testers whose feedback made this release possible!
* NEW! Extended spyware scanner and improved malware cleaning
* NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
* NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
* NEW! Cloud Based Application White-listing
* NEW! Game Mode
* IMPROVED! Application Control
* IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
* IMPROVED! Application user interface

Size : 39

تاريخ الاصدار :


البرنامج مجاني .

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