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قديم 11-20-2010, 09:26 PM
قارىء الكتب الألكترونية العملاق Adobe Reader 9.4.1 باخر تحديث

Adobe Reader 9.4.1

برنامج Adobe Reader ادوبي اكروبات ريدر قارىء الكتب الألكترونية
والتي تكون صيغتها PDF البرنامج باخر اصدار وتم تغيير الشكل
السابق بشكل
احدث والطف واجمل واضافات اخرى جميلة فيه

Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic
document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and
interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view,
search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF
files. Adobe Reader® software lets you view, print, and search PDF
files on a variety of devices and operating systems with faster
launch time and real-time zooming and panning.

You can use Adobe Reader to read, interact with, and print
Portable Document Format (PDF) files generated by such
applications as the Adobe Acrobat® family of products, Adobe
Photoshop® Album, and more. Acrobat Reader also lets you fill in
and submit PDF forms online. And when enabled by Acrobat
Professional authors, you can now leverage robust commenting
tools and actively participate in document reviews.
With each new release, Adobe continues to add functionality to
Adobe® Reader® software, making it an extremely versatile tool
capable of viewing, searching, digitally signing, verifying, printing,
and collaborating with electronic documents. By distributing this
software in a multitude of languages and platforms at no charge,
Adobe continues to offer end users the ultimate tool for electronic
document sharing.

• Enhance interaction with PDF Portfolios
PDF Portfolios provide easier navigation when you work with
multiple PDF documents and other document types. Portfolios
also enable you to work with a collection of materials such as
drawings, e-mail messages, spreadsheets, and videos as a single
file, which makes distribution, storage, retrieval, and collaboration
easy for end users.

• Work with Acrobat.com (beta)
From Reader 9, you can go directly into Acrobat.com (beta), an
exciting new set of online services from Adobe, to perform
common tasks, such as:
* Create up to five Adobe PDF files
* Share and store documents on the web
* Create and collaborate on a document in Adobe Buzzword®
* Easily share your screen using Adobe ConnectNow

حجم البرنامج : 30 ميجا بايت



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قم بتسطيب البرنامج باسم AdbeRdr940_en_US

ثم قم بالترقية باستخدام AdbeRdrUpd941_all_incr

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