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قديم 12-10-2010, 04:37 AM
تحميل برنامج الكويك تايم الاصدار الاخير QuickTime Pro

QuickTime Pro

برنامج كويك تايم عملاق لتشغيل الملفات الاعلامية ..
والام بى 3 والفيديو والعديد من الامتدادات ...
ويعمل حتى مع الملفات مباشرة من الإنترنت ويدعم كل السيرفرات وينزل منها ايضاً برنامج فريد في مجالة ولا ينافسة احد على تواجده بالفعل كويك تايم الاول دائماً

The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications work together to provide the industry’s first end-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system. QuickTime 7 is Apple's cutting-edge digital media software for both Mac and Windows-based computers delivers unparalleled quality for creating, playing and streaming audio and video content over the Internet. Besides playing MPEG-4 and MP3 content, it supports timecode tracks as well as MIDI standards such as the Roland Sound Canvas and GS format extensions. It also supports key standards for web streaming, including HTTP, RTP and RTSP. Plus, it supports every major file format for images, including JPEG, BMP, PICT, PNG and GIF. QuickTime 7 features an ultra efficient new H.264 video codec delivering stunning quality at remarkably low data rates from 3G to iChat AV to HD.

New features in QuickTime 7 Pro for Windows

• Create H.264 video. Create incredible-looking video for any use, from 3G for mobile devices to HD.
• Create surround audio. Create a rich multimedia experience by adding multichannel audio to your movie.
• Floating controls. Easily access functions like pause, play, fast-forward, and rewind while watching full-screen movies.
• Background exporting. Export your movie in the background and continue with your next playback or editing task.
• Improved movie authoring. The all-new Movie Properties facilitates simple and efficient movie authoring.
• Automate with VB Script. Automate your QuickTime workflow with native VB Script support in QuickTime 7. Developers can also use VB Script to access the new QuickTime Active X control for creating custom multimedia applications.

Size: 36.3 MB

تاريخ اصدار البرنامج

08 Dec 2010

الكيجين مرفق مع البرنامج

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