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قديم 12-15-2010, 07:43 PM
Smile Kaspersky PURE

Kaspersky PURE + Patch | 104.82 MB
Kaspersky PURE gives you much more than just antivirus software. It’s everything you need to protect all the most important assets in your digital life: your computer, your online accounts, your most valuable data… even your family. It gives you the peace of mind of knowing your digital life is safe, your PC is in tip-top condition, your most valuable information is secure and your family is protected.
Kaspersky PURE is the easy way to keep your PC safe and in tip-top condition. It’s designed with the home user in mind, combining simple installation and management with advanced features and functionality, and exceptional protection for everyone.
Kaspersky PURE builds on the tried and trusted security functions of Kaspersky Internet Security, adding a host of new and updated features:
-Malware and Spam protection including new enhanced detection and sandbox technologies
for strengthened safety.
-Centralized Management of tasks, reports, updates and more from any PC on your network
-Enhanced Password Protection creates, encrypts and stores logins and auto-complete forms. The inbuilt virtual keyboard keeps you safe from key logging malware. You can even carry your passwords securely on a USB stick.
-Advanced Parental Control protects your family with unique features to monitor your kids’ Internet access, PC and application use and communications… including social networks.
-File Shredder uses multi-pass technology to make deleted data unrestorable, even with sophisticated data recovery software and tools.
-Data Backup & Restore keeps your valuable data and files safe from disaster and keeps you in control.
-Data Encryption maximizes security. Create, store and transfer data with password protection and encryption, so you can control exactly who can access your files.
Hardware requirements for Windows XP
Intel Pentium 300 MHz or higher (or equivalent)
256 MB of available RAM
Hardware requirements for Windows Vista
Intel Pentium 1 GHz 32 bit (x86) / 64 bit (x64) or higher (or equivalent)
1 GB of available RAM

Hardware requirements for Windows 7
1 GHz 32-bit (x86)/64-bit (x64) or higher
1 GB of RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB of RAM (64-bit)

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أخر نسخ الكاسبير بين يديكم :Kaspersky PURE RC نبيل المجهول أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 01-12-2010 07:18 PM

الساعة الآن 07:13 PM.

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