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تحميل العاب اكس بوكس بلاستيشن XBOX360 & PS3 playstation بلاي استيشن دريم كاست نتندو64 جيم كيوب القسم يهتم بالالعاب الالكترونية ألعاب كاملة و نادرة واخبارها وحلول حل حلولها (سوني - اكس بوكس -جيم كيوب - والكثير من مشغلات الالعاب), ممنوع طلب او وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن. مغلق للصيانه

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قديم 12-19-2010, 03:08 PM
لعبة القتال الرائعة Mass Effect 2 Update 1.02-ViTALiTY (PC/2010) بحجم صغير جدا برابط

Mass Effect 2 Update 1.02-ViTALiTY (PC/2010)

o Mass Effect 2 Update 1.02-ViTALiTY (PC/2010)
Developer: BioWare | Publisher: EA | Platform: PC | Rar | 57.9MB
Genre: RPG/3D/3rd Person

شيبرد قائد لصد غزو الحصادون والإنسانية وعدو جديد. على مشارف الكون يسكنها شخص يدمر تدريجيا الشعب مستعمرة. لوقف تهديد وشيك، شيبرد التعاون مع شبكة من سيربيروس -- وهي منظمة لا يرحم، والذي ينص على بقاء البشرية بأي ثمن. لإنجاز هذه المهمة الهامة شيبرد يجب جمع فريق قوي جدا، وتولي قيادة سفينة الفضاء الأقوى في المجرة. ولكن حتى مع هذه الموارد، نظر غالبية العظمى من مشروع ميؤوس منها. قائد شيبرد ان يثبت للمتشككين بأنهم كانوا مخطئين.

Two years later, after Commander Shepard to repel an invasion Reapers, humanity has a new enemy. On the outskirts of the inhabited cosmos someone gradually destroys the colony people. To stop the imminent threat, Shepard collaborate with a network of Cerberus - a ruthless organization, which proclaims the survival of humanity at any cost. To fulfill this important mission Shepard must collect a very strong team and take command of the most powerful spaceship in the galaxy. But even with such resources, the majority considered it a hopeless venture. Commander Shepard has to prove to skeptics that they were wrong.


- Reduced the amount mining time required to acquire all upgrades.
- Fixed an issue where DLC weapon selections would appear blank on the Weapon Loadout screen after removing DLC.
- Fixed an issue where heavy weapon crosshairs sometimes remain on screen after entering a vehicle.

- Fixed an issue where enemies sometimes 'pop-up' onto cover after taking damage.
- Fixed an issue where Grunt's loyalty power sometimes doesn't unlock.
- Fixed an issue where the Squad screen wouldn't update properly after removing the Alternate Appearance Pack #1 DLC.

- Fixed an issue where save games that used DLC while offline could not be loaded.
- Fixed an issue where the active save career would sometimes change after loading saves with unmounted DLC.
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash during the Jarrahe mission when using Windows 7 (64-bit).
- Fixed an issue where ammo powers activated by a henchman would sometimes overwrite the players active ammo power.
- Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, spacebar would not activate objects.
- Fixed an issue where Loading saves while DLC is unmounted will change your active career.
- Fixed an issue where the text for some characters in the keybinding GUI would appear as English in foreign language versions of the game.



Install the update

Copy the crack from the ViTALiTY folder

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قديم 12-20-2010, 12:57 PM
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قديم 01-27-2011, 03:37 PM
تسلم الأيادى ،، الله يعطيك العافية
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قديم 02-14-2011, 05:06 PM
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