عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 01-13-2011, 11:02 AM
برنامج NewsHunt لمتابعة الصحف العالمية و الاخبار

برنامج NewsHunt لمتابعة الصحف العالمية و الاخبار
NewsHunt v1.28.78 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed
NewsHunt is a revolutionary product from Eterno Infotech which allows Mobile users to read the news paper of their choice on the go. Thanks to NewsHunt, now you can read many leading Indian News papers on your mobile handset. All the popular GPRS enabled handsets and all the operator's GPRS plans support viewing of the News Papers. Enjoy reading!!
* 17 national and regional NewsPapers
* 9 different languages
* Over 500 handset models supported.
* Works across ALL operators
Newspapers with Eterno:
* Andhraprabha
* Dainik Bhaskar
* Dainik Jagran
* Deccan Herald
* Dinamalar
* Dinamani
* Divya Bhaskar
* Eenadu
* Kannada Prabha
* Lok Satta
* Malayala Manorama
* Mathrubhumi
* Navajyoti
* Pra****ni
* Sakal
* The Indian Express
* The New Indian Express
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