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لوحات فنية و خط عربي هنا يتشارك الاعضاء لوحاتهم الفنية : الرسم بالفحم, بالرصاص, بالألوان المائية, الخشبية, الزيتية, الفن التشكيلي, فنون الخط العربي .. عالم من خيالك أنت..!,, النقل ممنوع

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قديم 01-13-2011, 01:00 PM

216TEHRAN Jan Xinhua Iran Air plane carrying passengers and crew of the Boeing aircraft at local time at on the th Beijing at on the th city in northwestern Iran Ulu Millay near the crash has killed people including crew members killed the people were injured News Network quoted the Islamic Republic of Iran West Azerbaijan Province as saying the plane local time GMT Mehmet Abad from the Tehran airport the airport is also away from the Ulu Millay a -minute miles the pilot informed air traffic control uggs outlet units airport aircraft could not land because of bad weather then the aircraft disappeared from radar said the plane south of Lake in the Ulu Millay named crashed near the village of Tal Mani Ulu Miyet crash to pitch only km Local villagers found the crash immediately after the report to the emergency department and launched a rescue operation the injured were rushed to a nearby hospital Reporter learned from the Iranian embassy in the country that night the plane crashed near the Ulu Miyet no country christian louboutin outlet passengers Ambassador to the Iranian Embassy Counsellor Wella Fu told reporters after the crash the embassy in Tehran in the first time to understand the situation Mehmet Abad airport Airport staff confirmed that there is no national passenger plane crashed In recent years Iran has repeatedly by military and civilian aircraft crash July Iranian Caspian Airlines plans to fly the Armenian capital Yerevan - aircraft from Tehran Khomeini International Airport shortly after takeoff due to mechanical failure in the northwest near the city of Qazvin crashed
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