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قديم 03-20-2007, 02:36 AM
Simple, but funny

How is it going yall!!
If u lovely ppl of the english club wont mind ..i wanna use this page to make it as our funny cafe..where we all share funny stories that happened in our lives...to make it simple..i have this topic that im gonna write alot to it..How stupid the American ppl are..
to start with im gonna talk about this young lady that i used to work with..one day this lady came to the office screaming and yelling in spanish so Nicolle sent her my way and i didnt know what to do with the lady i dont speak spanish and she doesnt speak a bit of english..after the day was gone i went and had a lil argumenet with Nicolle and told her why did u do that?
she said what u mean why? i know u speak spanish so i sent her to u..
i said i dont speak spanish at all.she said u are from Isreal>? arent u?

that stupid gal thinks Isreal is a country in south america

قديم 03-20-2007, 02:38 AM
رد: Simple, but funny

and by the way im Palistinian but i say Isreal coz they dont know what is palistinian

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funny story بقايا جروح تعلم اللغة الانجليزيه 15 03-14-2007 08:24 PM

الساعة الآن 03:46 PM.

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