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قديم 01-28-2011, 10:33 PM
بإصداره الجديد عملاق ترقية وتعريف كافة كروت الصوت Realtek Audio Driver R2.57

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الأخوة الكرام

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Realtek High Definition
Audio Driver R2.57

برنامج مهم جدا حيث يحتوي على جميع تعريفات كروت الصوت من الشركه
الشهيرة في هذا المجال Realtek

مع هذا البرنامج بإمكانك الاّن الإستغناء عن الإسطوانة لتعريف الصوت لديك ...

مع هذا البرنامج العملاق بإمكانك أن تعرف أي كرت صوت لديك بدون أي
،يدعم الكثير من إصدارات كروت الصوت ويدعم إصدارات وندوز

دعم لنظام التشغيل Windows/Vista

ودعم نظام التشغيل Windows / Xp

About Realtek

Realtek Semiconductor Corp., located in the Hsinchu Science-
based Industrial Park — Taiwan's "Silicon Valley"
— began with a small group of young, devoted engineers in
1987. In nearly two decades, these young founding engineers
built Realtek into one of the world's largest and most
successful IC design houses. Realtek's efforts to provide the
ultimate in pioneering IC technology —
along with its firm commitment to creating unique and innovative
designs for a broad range of high-tech applications
— have won the company a worldwide reputation and made
possible a favorable and consistent growth rate in the
years since its establishment. We attribute this achievement to
Realtek's tradition of excellence

Changes in Driver Package R2.53:
Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.
1. Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892
, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262,ALC267, ALC268, ALC269,
ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887,ALC670, ALC275, ALC680
2. Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888,
ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260,
ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887,ALC670, ALC275, ALC680
3. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
4. OS Supporting: Microsoft WindowsXP, Widnows2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista,
Windows Server 2008, Windows7 - x86/x64
5. Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013)
6. Add/Fix
1.) Driver :
1. Customizations.

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تاريخ الإصدار
Jan 2011 28

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Windows 7/ Vista 32 & 64 bits

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(Windows 2000, Windows XP/2003 (32/64 bits

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