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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 03-05-2011, 02:42 PM
Granny flew home in late August tens of thousands

Hao grandmother was cleaning the floor. dustpan filled with countless dead mosquitoes. Last night, 46, who lives in a case study of eight East Granny Hao late grandmother can be suffered terribly. She had suddenly flew into the tens of thousands of mosquitoes hovering around her more than she and mosquitoes fight lasting three hours, tired out of breath, had to neighbors for help. Hao, after a neighbor shouted to her grandmother's son with anti-mosquito,Wise choice for cost-effective recommendations 40 42-inch HDTV, killing tens of thousands of mosquitoes, but the damage has not been fundamentally resolved mosquitoes, the mosquitoes are still afraid of death Hao grandmother wore the screens, to go home, my grandmother washed Hao . terrible eighties old woman body covered with mosquito more than 10 points last night, the reporter went to Hao grandmother, grandma has spray Hao through mosquito water, at home, on the ground covered with mosquito's body. Hao grandmother's son and daughter are cleaning the floor, the basket filled with thousands of dead mosquitoes. It is understood that a full 80 year old grandmother Hao, alone in a case study on Road 46, residing within the district. She has children and women, their children are out after a family living, but not too far away from her, her daily life by the care of a nanny. Hao nanny and grandmother to a small, usually three meals a day is responsible for Hao grandmother, but also and cleaning every day, so Hao grandmother came home after dinner. 6 o'clock last night, babysitting service Hao Grandma after dinner, put away dishes, then went home, leaving one person Hao grandmother at home watching TV. Mosquitoes have been hovering around grandma Hao,monster turbine headphones, Hao grandmother from time to time had to climb onto the face,Ten sports moment Lin Dan won the Grand Slam Cup,, so that Grandma can not feel at ease watching TV Hao. It is unpleasant,Moncler Jackets Outlet Store, Hao grandmother flies to find out from the cabinet brand, chasing mosquitoes beat. No one will, mosquitoes flock flew into the house, she attached and mosquitoes battle for three hours, his tired out of breath, the earth wall, a large body of mosquitoes, but more at home in the Wen Zi, the whole living room to fly full of mosquitoes. Hao also not afraid of mosquitoes that grandmother, she covered with climbing. At this time, Hao grandmother frightened, hurried knock on the door neighbors Song help. War insecticide spray, mosquito dead half scoops occupation of the whole house. Hao grandmother saw on the walls, ceilings, everything can be settled in the room where the mosquitoes bite everywhere, there are a large number of mosquitoes around the house fly. Seeing this situation, he and his grandmother kept Hao beat, but unfortunately it lags far behind the rate of mosquito eradication rate of increase. It is unpleasant, Mr. Song had to give the son of Mr. Xu Hao grandmother a telephone call, Mr. Xu heard of this situation,msn music, the mother immediately rushed home to buy a pesticide, after arriving home, a dense mass of mosquitoes have been startled, and hurried to his mother out of the house, and then shut down all the doors and windows, light a bottle of insecticide spray. After a half an hour, we went into the house, I saw the whole house on the ground is covered with the bodies of mosquitoes, the groove is also a dark mass of a window. Subsequently,high quality moncler jacket, the family swept the ground and the sill of the semi dustpan sweep of mosquitoes, at least tens of thousands. At this time, Mr. Xu found the more horrific scene outside the window there are still tens of thousands braved mosquito screens, with each other to Wang Wunei Bay, not long after the house has been a lot of mosquitoes, , brazenly circling low-flying mosquitoes, Grandma kept a bite with the Hao. Mr. Xu is not sure the mosquito came from, there is no better way to completely mosquito, first his mother had temporarily taken away. Before leaving, Mr. Xu said that the mosquito is not only more than a boss can be quite big, they are six legs,司机撞人后加速逃离遭目击者拦阻, a pair of antennae, a common mosquito in summer is similar to the difference is, these mosquitoes in the beak is very short, flat tail, do not bites people. visit a case study on East Road area of mosquitoes flying around so many mosquitoes come from? Where they are breeding grounds for it? Hao grandma house reporters wandering for a long time, did not find what they were. Can be a reporter found that not only was the mosquito Hao harm a grandmother, the whole case study on the East full of mosquitoes flying around everywhere, some residents in the windows did not shut tight, and also flew into the tens of thousands of mosquitoes. There are some in the green belt area is mosquito-infested, high-pressure cell, placed in the mosquito is also a thick layer of Wenzi plot body flutter around the still Wenzi one after another up. Some fluorescent lamps are also accumulated a large number of dead mosquitoes. Hao grandmother, who lives next to Ms. Chen mosquito cell damage is also complain incessantly. She told reporters a few days ago, her family also suffered harassment of thousands and thousands of mosquitoes, mainly screens not closed, mosquitoes flock to the house fly. To combat these nasty mosquitoes, but what she have to spend a move, a good variety of mosquito coils are changed,cheap dr dre headphones online, the effect is not available. And she ran inside boxes of various brands of mosquito coils out to reporters. This reporter saw a mosquito in the hands of Ms. Chen had 4 different brands. order to confirm the terrible mosquitoes, residents opened a window for half an hour, and then only 10 square meters in a room with a 4 point circle mosquito coils, etc. After a while, the mosquitoes or its own way, there is no means of escape. Subsequently used to fight mosquitoes played 10 minutes, the results played in a small bowl of mosquitoes. said many residents near the mosquito that is more up the past few days, the summer did not so much the mosquito harassment has affected their normal lives. Some people during the day and morning shift, the evening but due to the mosquito harassment, sleep well, and some simply went to another place to sleep. One evening, residents of cooking should shut the door, go inside for fear of food went to Wen Zi. And so, after eating a meal to give it up quickly to food, for fear over the destruction of mosquitoes. doubts Chironomidae more high temperature, but does not bite There are so many mosquitoes? Yesterday afternoon, a reporter for the residents concerned,cheap dr dre headphones outlet, contact the CDC Media experts Dr. Zheng Yiping Nanjing, after listening to a reporter's description, he said Hao grandmother in the home and there's such a mosquito district called chironomids belonging to Insecta Diptera subfamily feet long, in the spring and summer and autumn each year is the turn of the peak they appear. the degradation of chironomid mouthparts, so it will not bite, and there the water and phototropism, Hao grandmother lived and the Qin Huai River area just adjacent to the case study on the past, also appeared during this period chironomids, but the temperature rose a few days, indoor and outdoor are relatively warm, so the chironomids to a lot more than usual. Compared with normal mosquitoes, which do not suck human blood Chironomidae, so I do not spread disease, would not directly affect people's health. reporter Cao Lu Jie

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