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قديم 03-05-2011, 02:47 PM
Toes were transplanted to the hand after amputatio

January 22, after surgery in the hospital bed recuperating Zhao Zhao Binshe reporter (Reporter Cui Yongli) for patients after amputation of a leg for abandoned,The report predicts that mobile applications in 2015 will reach 38 billion U.S. dollars revenue, hospital experts bold attempt to: toes transplanted to the hand; the lower leg skin, blood vessels and nerves and muscles transplanted to the thigh; the soles of the feet of the palm skin transplanted to the back of the disabled. North Industries 521 hospitals nationwide that rare cases of very successful operation. Currently, patients have started trimming the nails on the new fingers. car accident left her right thigh and arm was pressed 2009 年 11 月 17 日 下午 2 o'clock, 49-year-old female villager Zhao Hu County in a car accident when you buy vinegar. Large trucks will pull stone on her left arm and right leg too badly mangled. Huxian 120 immediately sent her to the hospital 521 weapons industry. According to Chi-Fung, MD,cheap monclers jacket sale, was recalled admissions: patient's right thigh bone had been crushed,cheap moncler jacket online, and muscle was pressed into the meat paste. In the debridement, the wound has a lot of sediment,high quality moncler jacket, the patient had shock. addition to a serious leg injury, the patients are miserable at the left hand to the forearm. In addition to the other four fingers outside the thumb is pressed out from the rest of the fingers to the forearm at the only dense bones. Hospital expert consultation, decided to cut lower limbs to patients, but patients with this leg is very good, Thus, the experts decided to study, after the first leg amputated at the thigh temporary foster care,Moncler Jackets Outlet Store, and other patients in stable condition after further processing. Evening 7:00 pm to 1 am the next day, five physicians completed the leg from a wound debridement to foster care and other complex operations. multiple lower limb surgery and soft tissue transplantation to the upper limbs After amputation, leg draw a line (foster care) when the vessel is not enough, doctors can only bend the leg back then. Photo left the hospital can clearly see the leg after surgery in patients with foster care skin very healthy. November 23, 2009 9 am,湖北15岁救人少年遗体被打捞上岸, the hospital decided to conduct a second surgery patients, this time there are seven doctors to participate. First of all, is to foster the leg removed from the patient's thigh. Then, 4 feet toes transplanted to the patient's left hand, then the soles of the feet and the instep of the skin graft to the left hand. the thigh bone is only about 15 cm long, without the muscle,Car information, new car prices, used car values,, the hospital decided on the calf multiple soft tissue transplanted to the thigh. This will be about 15 cm in patients with thigh bones long after the transplant retained on the skin. miracle left after training can can be discharged. reporter Zhao in the hospital to see the patient,Quality of life of dry whole new choice of washing machine commercial inventory of, she has an interview with a smile. Zhao activities with his left hand while she, her left hand has been feeling. Tengyun Sheng said the body of patients able to leave a little more to reduce the extent of her disability, to retain the legs of 15 cm, but also for her future to provide a convenient artificial limbs. After transplantation into the hands of the toes, after rehabilitation training, after Zhao's left hand will be restored to It is understood that many foster care after the use of soft tissue, or the first in Shaanxi Province,monster turbine headphones, the country is also very rare.
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