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قديم 03-07-2011, 04:07 AM
برنامج لعمل ميكسات الاغاني في اصدار جديد DJ ProMixer v1.0.2.6د

DJ ProMixer v1.0.2.6 with CRACK

Easy, intuitive and ergonomically designed for Deejays. Dj ProMixer has been designed and conceived to offer the best professional program for the deejay, with a clear design and an intuitive interface, Dj ProMixer is at the forefront by delivering a professional product at low cost, while maintaining a high quality standard. Compatible with the Pioneer CDJ 400, Denon DN S3700 (coming soon), Denon DN S1200 (coming soon), Numark ICDX, and Reloop RMP-3 Alpha in single mode (with one CD Midi can be controlled two decks) or dual (one CD for each deck). At Digital Multi Soft we are working to incorporate more new CD Midi Maps to offer for free to our users


DJ ProMixer
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