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قديم 03-08-2011, 11:01 PM
عملاق تشغيل و تحويل الصيغ يدعم أكثر من 100 صيغة Bigasoft MKV Converter بحجم 8 ميغا فقط

عملاق تشغيل و تحويل الصيغ يدعم أكثر من 100 صيغة Bigasoft MKV Converter بحجم 8 ميغا فقط

Bigasoft MKV Converter

8,04 MB

Bigasoft MKV Converter | English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese | 8,04 MB

Bigasoft MKV Converter - convert MKV, MKA audio and video formats into other audio and video formats, support for AVI, DivX, Xvid, WMV, MP4, H.264, MOV, HD and other formats, extract audio from video to MKA, MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC audio formats.

* Convert MKV, MKA audio and video formats into other audio and video formats
* Support AVI, DivX, Xvid, WMV, MP4, H.264, MOV, HD and other formats
* Extract audio from video to MKA, MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC audio formats
* Support for iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Zune, PSP, Apple TV, XBox, MP4 Player and other
* Select and configure the parameters of conversion
* Batch conversion
* Preview result

* Bigasoft MKV Converter helps you convert MKV file to all popular video formats for playback no matter where you are. It fast converts MKV (Matroska Video) to the proper formats playable on iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Zune, PSP, Apple TV, XBox, other MP4 Player, etc.
* The MKV video converter can easily convert MKV to AVI, convert MKV to MP4, convert MKV to WMV, as well as other popular video formats like AVI, DivX, Xvid, WMV, MP4, H. 264, MOV, HD video, etc. Moreover, it can also convert MKA (Matroska Audio) to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC or M4A music to help you listen to your superb songs no matter where you are.
* With strong editing functions support, the powerful conversion tool can help you make your creative movies. Split MKV files into several segments with the exact time length. Crop the playing region to get the perfect playing effect and the best video quality.

Key Features
* 1. Watch WKV anywhere
* 2. Convert WKV to other formats
* 3. Listen to MKA files
* Convert MKA (Matroska Audio) to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC or M4A music to help you listen to your superb songs no matter where you are.
* 4. Extract audio from MKV
* Extract sound tracks from MKV movies to hear anywhere or share with your friends.
* 5. Watch marvelous part
* Getting rid of the ads, trailers, beginning and ending segment of the MKV movies can be done by setting the exact start time and duration.
* 6. Best quality for watching
* Crop frame size to remove your unwanted area using this MKV file converter like the smart scissors.
* 7. Preview and take snapshot
* 8. Batch conversion
* Set after done action ahead of conversion to save time on waiting and ease your digital life.
* 9. Pause at any moment
* When converting MKV movies, you can pause, stop and continue at your will.
* 10. Easy to use
* 11. Windows Vista supported
* 12. Support multi-language
* Support multi-language like English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese now.

Enabling | reg code: Present (serial number)
Language: English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese
File Size: 8.04 MB
Platform / OS: Windows Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7
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