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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 03-18-2011, 02:58 PM
Yueqing , Liu City man

in Willow City, before we know drive a BMW, Mercedes-Benz is not necessarily the owner, president, there may be farmers; in Willow City, before we know the roadside pedestrians carrying the garbage bags, which are not necessarily is spam, it may be a bundle of money; in Willow City, before we know the departure time of bus passengers is based on the number of interim decision; in Willow City, before we know where the car than a bicycle more than; in Willow City, before we know the streets of the festival, more than foreigners than locals; in Willow City, graduated do know lathe, director of secondary school graduates to do, primary school is the boss; in Willow City just know that some pets eat better than people; in Willow City, the children know the rich go abroad at home reading technical school; in Willow City, to know when to drink, sea ​​, before we know the business models of hundreds of thousands a year for two years due to random is normal; in Willow City, before we know E network Beat Hearthside, talented, in Willow City, Shenmeipilao, everything are used to Yueqing climate is mild, winter is no snow, summer is often typhoon. Yueqing the human is very expensive, there are a dozen bridesmaids, the banquet is set one year in advance. Yueqing the price is not down, and move to choose the auspicious time, and want to make very loud firecrackers. Yueqing is to persuade people to drink, the bill is to grab, the relationship is very important, many friends can mention the basket. Yueqing's license plate not to 4, house live 13-story, phone number, where 8 is yet more. Yueqing is not very green, the floor space is very narrow,Feelings Wii, her living room is a great Yueqing the road is not wide, the Benz is running the streets, Paul Porsche is still considerable. Yueqing traffic jams are frequent,monster turbine headphones, often chaotic driving a U-turn, the cars are afraid of tricycles, bus no match for the motor. Yueqing the hotel is one of us live in, is playing Double Buckle hotel,monster beats by dre headphones, and Dunhuang is playing poker. Yueqing eat seafood in Hong Kong is the head of sand, sharks feast is Puqi, the smoked chicken is Fujihashi, and soy meat is home of the sun. Yueqing people drink coffee is to use vouchers, there is speculation screws cafe, a bar can point cooking. Yueqing model is created here, Olympic tickets printed here, the real estate group is here in mind. Milk is real milk bar, beer is the Wild Goose, and supper is to eat great food stalls, and a wide variety of snacks, cigarettes pumping head of the Chinese three words, liquor is Wuliangye. Yueqing eat bayberry is to the East Quebec, Wong Lo Kat is fire, the Chivas Ice Tea mixed drink. unassuming, saw the target, the hand on hand, this is the Yueqing personality. Chinese New Year take Wuliangye Yueqing,cheap dr dre headphones online, years ago, will be price increases,Married woman and her boyfriend rent for the resal, gift recycling business well; Yueqing is a television station, and usually is the song's; Yueqing many job advertisements, workers are hard to find, and everyone wants their own boss; Yueqing Book City is not business, with a lot of people reading, know the business line is a very good road is good; music is scrambling to squeeze inside, the university tried to Hangzhou exam; Yueqing elderly passengers are invincible,English Premier League 's best team - Manchester C, the streets are wearing pajamas,Regal heavily launched to trace the driver nearly killed his father sent notices, the speech is like a quarrel; Yueqing streets are beggars, and write kowtow be playing tricks. Xinjiang is a very dangerous man of Yueqing woman, beauty, shopping is the main consumer items. Wenzhou said more than beauty to many in Yueqing, Yueqing's beauty salon is also overwhelming, great validation of the The beauty is hard to take a stroll the streets are not made tired, no wonder people have shopping Yueqing called

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