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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 03-25-2011, 05:33 AM
The crazy “crocodile plan” of Hermes

The crazy “crocodile plan” of HermesAs a luxurious brand, what should be done face the shortage of raw material? French luxurious brand-Hermes gave us the answer by their practical action.Recently, the CEO Patrick Thomas of Hermes said, in order to get more material for handbags, they will breed crocodile at Australian farm.As we all know, it’s so difficult to buy Hermes bag. Some people have to line up for some years to get a rare cortical bag which it’s more than EU35,000. A crocodilian purse needs three to four crocodiles, since this poor poikilotherm is so slowly to breed and its low survival rate, which can not satisfy the huge requirement in Hermes Market!Recently,Hermes 42cm Black Crocodile Veins Bag, Hermes has to produce 3,000 crocodilian purses at least for each year, make up 40% for the whole business line; it’s the highest earnings department since the Economit Crisis. So Hermes will not give up to enlarge the crocodilian purse production just because the short of material. Nowadays, Hermes has launched crocodile breeding program in Australia. They will keep the crocodile separately in case they ferocious bite by each other lead to harm the leather. But there is still 1/3 crocodile face to natural death. Maybe not so many people are fond of this kind of animal since their vicious appearance, is it from their natural? Of course not! Crocodile are hunting for make a live, however, human hunt crocodile just for a gorgeous purse. General speaking, Crocodile is a kind of animal which should be protected, can’t be hunted including artificial culture. But in some certain condition, they are legal economic animals such as in this case. May it’s difficult to accept Hermes’s this program, but who can promise breeding crocodile for making purses will not just like breeding poultry for food in next years? People always need, providing will not stop! The problem is not from Hermes,Hermes 42cm Black Crocodile Veins Bag, it’s because the VISA card in your hand! By the way, do you still love these crocodile purse after you learn of the crazy “crocodile plan” of Hermes?Here is a Hermes bag you may visit to see:Hermes 42cm Black Crocodile Veins Bag Hermes 42cm Crocodile Veins Bag Hermes Crocodile Veins BagMaybe you can have a try some replica crocodile purses, to some degree, I prefer to a replica Hermes rather than a real one! There are some reasonable reasons I would like to buy a replica crocodile purse1. They are cheap, as a poor girl, I can only afford a replica Hermes, I have to think about it when I have enough money to pay for a real Hermes, after all they are really really EXPENSIVE!2. As we can know from the article above crocodile leather is so difficult to get, a crocodile purse means the death of few Crocodile, and I really don’t want to have a SUCH “expensive bag!3. I bought two replica Hermes bags, so I would love to recommend they to you because they are made of good quality, they are nearly same as original products, I want to thank the seller, they help a poor girl get the luxurious brand bags!Do you want a try? I always bought my bags from this website hermesforyou.com, they are professional company I trust this site! I also this bag which is not crocodile -Hermes light pink Kelly Python 35cm Leather HandbagHermes light pink Kelly Python HandbagHermes Kelly Python HandbagHermes Python Handbag

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