عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-07-2011, 09:15 AM
He (she) says [ network collect]

1. William Shakespeare wrote: no matter how good things are lost one day. then deep memory, also has forgotten the day. to love people, but also to flee the day. sweetest dream, but also wake up one day. The waiver will not stay. never let go of the treasure, can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt! enemy can not do, because loving each other too. 2. Jimmy said: if you like me, I do not like you, When you love me, I love you, when you left me I fell in love with you, you go too fast, or I can not keep up your pace, we missed the Noah's Ark, missed the Titanic, missed all and non-thrilling thriller, we will continue to miss. my loneliness I do not know where it comes from, but I really feel lonely. you lonely, lonely world, everyone, but everyone is different it lonely. 3. Liu Xinwu, said: do not expect, sparrows fly very high. height of the sky, it is the eagle's territory. sparrow straighten his place if it still will be very happy! 4. Yi Shu said: the biggest mistake committed by people daily, is too polite to strangers,妻子疑无力负担丈夫12万手术费服毒自杀(图), but people are too harsh on the intimate, change this bad habit over peacefully. 5. Guo said: I finally found myself the person of vision is too simple, I never think about how the mask is a face below, directly to the mask as I always to treat the face, but forget the smiling face is a mask of tears often face. 6. Liu Xinwu, said: Sorry is a sincere, it does not matter is a kind of grace. If you paid a sincere, but not grace, it only shows the ignorance of each other and vulgar! 7. Han says: No matter how tired she sees on when he is hundred and hard to re-insurance to the skin when they are two faces. 8. Annie Baby, said: when a woman looking at the sky, she did not want to find anything. she just lonely. 9. to meet extraordinary, said: fate like a book. inadvertently turn the fairy tale will be read too seriously will miss the tears. 10. Zhang Xiaoxian said: love, has always been a thousand things and turns back. not been abandoned, have not been hurt, how to understand love? 11. Yi Shu said: no matter how kind, a person should not be an excuse to fall always forgive, no more love, more to love yourself. 12. Liu Xinwu, said: its favor, than to arm themselves; their escape from the reality of life than laughter; hear the wind listen to the rain and its better to head to attack! 13. Zhang said: married red roses, over time, becomes a wall of red roses touch of mosquito blood, white roses, or br> married to a white rose, white rose is a grain of rice scum clothes, red cinnabar, or a mole on her chest. 14. San Mao said: a friend, well, a little more than two friends, three friends for a bit too much. aficionados, and to have a great,Silence, not too much, if it is not, also has its own, treat yourself, get along with ourselves, but also a friend of ... 15. snow Little Zen said: I thought one day, I would completely love to forget, forget you, However, all of a sudden,monster beats by dre headphones, I heard an old song, my tears on down, for this song, we were heard. 16. Guo Ao, said: in practice we always smile,Beauty Nine anti- food so you do not age a woman, and finally become afraid to cry. 17. San Mao said: Do not be afraid to refuse to others, if their reasons for legitimate. When a person requesting the opening, his heart simply prepared two answers. So, give him the answer to any one of them, are expected to. 18. Tsz color XQ says: man cry, because he really loved. woman cry,christian louboutin on sale, because she really gave up. 19. Hyun Yi said: grievances can be told, can not be wronged; to take away the love, it is not love. 20. Zhang said: love did not complex, but three words come and go, not I love you,One on the, I hate you, is to forget it, you okay, sorry. 21. Ma said: think of thousands of road at night, wake in the morning to go the same route. 22. Raoxue Man said: the world has deceived me,monster headphones, I have to give fight back, I will not let go of any little bit of happiness for me, even if the price is falling from Hell, I die for it. 23. Guo Ao, said: each heart will always hidden in a lifetime, maybe this person will never know, Nevertheless, this man whom are not always instead. and that person is like a never healing scars, no matter what time, just have to be raised, or gently touched, it will dull. 24.GARVEN said: words people say, is people put fart, fart, like words and are just one breath. 25. San Mao said: some people love, just a If the person wrongly the emotion of love as a long-term, is itself naive. 26. Zhang Xiaoxian said: If you can not forget him, do not forget the good. really forget that it was not hard. 27. who said non-vegetated: then ugly people can get married, then the United States who will be single! 28. Zhang said: because of love, so compassionate; as to understand, so tolerant.
قديم 04-07-2011, 05:34 PM
:heee: :heee: :heee: :heee: :heee: :heee: :heee:

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