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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-07-2011, 05:37 PM
How to recognize the results of the cat

(1) the more the cat catches mice, performance is better? (2) a day does not catch mice to show that the cat did not work today? rodent severe cases, a cat whose owners mouse. Significant effect at the beginning, the original 100 mice run rampant every day, a week later reduced to 50, a month later only 10 times. Owner very happy. Cat Fanpen where there will always be a delicious fish as a reward. Three months later, the mice only occasionally. More cats in the house visits. Very satisfied with the status of the cat, no longer 象以往那样 not only on standby, but also overtime. Leisure work, but the cat was found Fanpen less and less tasty fish, sometimes interrupted. So look for the cat owner to negotiate, the owner said: not lazy. home hesitant to come out mice, the mice are also outside our house to go away. without my effort,Christian Louboutin wedding shoes, how can you be so honest mice? what is your credit? Fanpen in the fish is not only rare,Exposure of posts by a hospital doctor kickbacks Wuhan hospital said it is inves, and even appetite also appears Quejinshaoliang. Enough to eat three meals a day beginning. The owner's attitude has shifted significantly, and now the cat's eyes are watching with some strange. Every day, not officers, but also eat so much. All these cats see in the eyes, but to depend on others and can not bow. Cats do not want to look at the days went by so did their dignity. Finally one day he realized the truth to obtain a better life. It uses idle time to go outside the newspaper carrying a master class,monster beats by dre headphones, language learning mice. 3 months after the rats have mastered the language proficiency of the cat, spend some time every day with the capture For a time, the room seemed a serious rodent up,Prefer pre-marital sex , not marriage, no room!, while busy in the cat may be able to secure the house after a few days, but after a while the recurrence of rodents, cats, busy again. Again, he saw a diligent and efficient cat. Subsequent years there have been cats Fanpen wait on delicious fish. cat owner to look at it every time Fanpen put meat, heart, laughter will proudly: I am the rat,Men's bath drilling is not expected to play eel st, mouse was me. paper after all smoke there's fire. Owner found the cat trick,best special christian louboutin, want to hurt after flat cat away meal. But calm down a thought, there is still the threat of rats genuinely get rid of the cat, no end of trouble. Thus, the owner and the cat who first sat down to cat dialogue. Topic: How to recognize the achievements of the cat. owner: I know your work is serious, the effect is there. But now the problem is I can not work for you to make an accurate evaluation of results. cat: I understand the owner's confusion, but now the situation is indeed the stability of the house is the result of my efforts. Can not always catch every day with the number of serious rodent mice to evaluate my current job. This is not fair. owner: your opinion makes sense. Do you have any good suggestions? Cat: Let me ask a question, the master take care of me for? owner: of course, is a mouse. Cat: Yes, master's interpretation is correct. But did not say to the critical point. Mouse only work content, not the master of the ultimate goal. I am the owner keep rodents to prevent, protect the food in the house, home, housing structure. owner: right, right, right. Cat: So, now I have another point of the evaluation should be. For example, I used to be to see how much a month to catch mice, it is now should be rodent-free time each month. Work now is to prevent more than trap, I want to spend a lot of time to do proactive things, every day in mice may be the route inspection, found a capture of a. Even this will not completely eliminate the mouse may be the opportunity on the table. Therefore, the response time of mice can also appear as an evaluation of my standards. The time response of a stick of incense, or 30 Seconds. owner: know what you mean. You think well,CICC report issued Sina microblogging sustainable competitive advantage, we can discuss some specific evaluation criteria. So I can clearly and simply know your achievements, you can also secure in doing things. cat owner and the end of the dialogue to shake hands.

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