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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-11-2011, 05:32 AM
Smelling mango mousse cake show --- ( disdain you

Quanzhou just come back at noon. watching Wei Po has been sleeping, and my heart with indescribable comfort. last night in Quanzhou. heart of Mom and Dad to talk with all of the grievances. they see with their eyes, pain in my heart. I feel good .... parents to the last word, so I feel wronged by my previous life is just a small episode. Oh .... I have my favorite relatives. I do not need the quality for some people but not sad. even angry .. so not worth it. change their attitude,Sanlu torture as a government website, the parents took me to eat with Wei Po favorite steak. HOHOHOH hey,10- year-old boy Sound -,monster headphones, do not talk about that. MM asked me before the loud noise did not write out the steps the mousse. side of doing so now I am a small cake, while a photo with the phone ... the results are cream ......... Dear MM they come .... ready for your material it .. little mousse to do this. I added a layer of crust. because I felt so alone eat mousse seems like a bit tired ....( I have this feeling only. others are good to eat .. .. NND >>) material: the bottom part of the cake: cookies (Take your favorite cookies to eat on the line) 60 g butter 30 g practice: the crushed biscuits. stir together melted butter at room temperature. into the cake mold (I used this time is 6-inch cake mold. These materials can be purchased on Taobao) smoothing and compaction. to use the spoon to press it, Who we are not professional drop le ~ ~ ~ you really want to have to spend a lot of money for tools, a little bit of space .... and then into the refrigerator will. Then there are things to do blanket ..... ; Materials: Mango mousse powder 50 g water 100 grams (50 degree warm water) Stir friends. I do not say this to friends. light cream: 130 grams fight seven distribution. I make the same map as the state. I am a light cream good selection of safety (animal fat). say this cream is good. Biaohua or do both mousse is the best. and animal nutrition cream butter better than the plant, because it is to give people eat at home, though a little expensive, but still a good pick Oh. Hey ... have been sent to the whipping cream mousse poured into batter just marinated in it .. to be so friends. now it ...... from the refrigerator just make the cake bottom. the hard plastic around the perimeter to be careful on the cake ... the end, oh. Anyway, to make things right for you, or will be leaked. ; poured into the mold into the refrigerator to get cold ......... ... if you want it quick frozen condensation, put it. but do be careful Yeah ..... I just do not care today ... woo ..... down a lot out of ...Because the bottom is soft plastic mold. In the time be sure to get flat .. (I do not know today is the loud noise drops ... hey) ; also get a cup whipping cream into the amount of it ... to become ... because I want to decorate the next .....( predictable results ... get yourself a good joke Biaohua mounted a ~ ~ ~ mess Oh ... hey .....) send it directly to use chopsticks ... An excellent feature is a light cream because it is easy to spend ... like Nestle, with electric mixer beat for a long time have not seen the block .. ... do not play too long. According to the plan as I hit the same. butter, very clear lines after the stop shot. repeat the act can not be used water-oil separation ..... ... Biaohua poured into a lovely bag .... hey ... tired ah .... attention Oh. we have to wait until condensation Mousse Oh do decorative. otherwise he will not take shape. almost refrigerator, then at least 3 hours or more. frozen, then .1 and a half hours. I think so friends, Anyway, they find their own way a pro. almost condensed out to be decorated. see Then ask .... is not only according to my half finished ye ah ... ......... cough .... because the other half ~ ~ mounted out of the graphics even I do not know what ... bags in the demolition of chocolate when the needle is not accidentally spread a lot .. go on ... the results to be like this ~ ~ next time to seriously study Biaohua technology .... hehe .. next will point you to continue to move into the freezer and see ..... ing ......... Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang when ........ complete ,Hundred and sixty years of age [ determined to record ],christian louboutin on sale!!!!! very happy today, because one out, one person, one piece will be solved. and say hey ......... .... good taste is a pity that her husband is not in right,Moncler Jackets Outlet StoreMoncler Jackets Outlet,monster beats by dre headphones, did not have to. After he ate did not know what the evaluation ..... really looking forward to next time ... but to do so and then left him myself .. to be so good ... the .... always said do not do anything ... it seems Dorayaki have to wait when you have time ....Good night .. friends.

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