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قديم 04-13-2011, 11:34 AM
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The 10th annual Northwood Style Show will feature 上一页 目录 下一页 The 10th annual Northwood Style Show will feature The 10th annual Northwood Style Show will feature the work of many students designers, who draw their inspiration from things ranging from pop culture to favorite designers to each other.The show takes place at 8 p.m. Friday at the Hach Student Life Center with a gala reception after the show. The theme this year is “Inevitable Mystique.”Student designers recently previewed their designs and received last minute tips from their faculty adviser.Lisa Laske, a junior cheap grad dresses, wanted to work with a specific fabric, lace, for her two designs in the show.“I wanted one full piece of lace and one half piece of lace,” she said. She ended up with a pair of evening-style dresses.For one dress, she found the perfect, sparkly purple fabric, with help from her Mom. Her mother got the accounting major interested in sewing, and thus the fashion show, in the first place.“My mom’s a big quilter cheap prom dresses 2011,” she said.As for her second dress cheap short prom dresses, not only is it her design, she’s going to show it off on Friday.“I’m modeling it cheap prom dresses, then I’m wearing it the next night to my sorority formal,” she said.Marita Perera, student design chair, drew her inspiration from her favorite designer, Manish Malhotra.“He’s an Indian designer and I’ve always followed his designs,” she said. “I just followed his path.”She wanted her design to feature contrasting colors, this time blue and green 2011 prom dresses, and have the colors work together in a way that they don’t clash.Pahoua Vang, a junior, was inspired by a video and wanted to make something “girly” but “with an edge.” She went with a floral dress that featured an empire waist and pleats plus size prom dresse 2011, providing the girly aspect. The edge came in the form of a zipper in place of straps. She also decided on a high-low hem cheap prom dresses, something that’s trendy. The dress took about three days of work.“I had no life that weekend,” Vang joked.The show (and fashion marketing and management program) faculty adviser, Jill Ouellette, worked with the students, giving them some final advice concerning their designs.“She gives us tips on how to finish (a design), to make it look better,” Vang said.“I have the chance to talk to them about their construction techniques, their design grad dresses 2011,” Ouellette said, “and anyway they can finish it up ― give them any tips on handiwork or how the model should walk or how the model should be styled.”Aside from her adviser role, the show is completely run by students. This includes planning the show, finding models, getting clothes for the non-student designed portion of the event and more.Samantha Higgins, publication relations chair, and McKenzie Rowley, show chair, said there are many things attendees may not notice that require a lot of thought. For example, even the music selection (and the beat of a song) are important prom dresses, and must sync up to a model’s walk.The show also has a few new things and surprises. Students have created a scholarship fund for those in the program. There’s a special show alumni event and organizers promised a surprise involving faculty in the show. 上一页 目录 下一页 Made by an Unregistered version of eTextWizard V 1.99Topics related articles:2011 Prom DressesLong Prom Dresses2011 prom gownsPlus size prom dressesDesigner Prom Dressesprom DressesProm Dresses 2011Cheap Prom DressesShort Prom Dresses http://www.jcsae.org/forum/read.php?tid=4493844 http://www.dongfangwine.com/bbs/read.php?tid=113780 http://club.115.at/read.php?tid=15658 http://www.newscan.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=51684 http://www.axcxzx.com/index.asp
قديم 04-13-2011, 04:36 PM
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