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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-14-2011, 05:43 PM
Cocktail dresses6 Dear Lucy Sensory ,6Cocktail dre

SILVER SPRING, Md. Cocktail dresses, April 10, 2011 ― Last February 上一页 目录 下一页 SILVER SPRING, Md., April 10, 2011 ― Last February SILVER SPRING, Md., April 10, 2011 ― Last February we introduced you to Lucy cheap prom dresses, a 10-year-old girl with autism from Indiana. We announced that she would be taking your questions and answering them in occasional guest columns here. In her first column at Autism Unexpected cheap grad dresses, Lucy and her mother tell us about Lucy's challenges with sensory issues cheap Bridesmaid dresses, and how they cope. Please send questions you have for Lucy to [email protected] for future columns.Dear Lucy...Dear Lucy...Many children on the autism spectrum struggle with sensory issues. They are affected with a disorder called Sensory Dysfunction. Lucy, our 10-year-old daughter with autism, also is challenged by this disorder. Lucy's first notable sign of sensory dysfunction began when she was an infant. When she was able to sit upright long prom dresses, she began to rock back and forth and suck two of her fingers. This is referred to as a hypoactive sensory behavior. For me cheap Cocktail dresses, as Lucy's mother plus size prom dresse 2011, I would liken this to a person rolling down the windows and slapping or rubbing their face to stay awake while driving when fatigued. Lucy still sucks her fingers and curls into herself when she is fatigued or fearful. She says she does this when she gets hungry, when she is tired or when she is nervous. She says when she sucks her fingers, she feels happy. Mom and Dad? Not so much. We are anticipating a very hefty orthodontist bill.When Lucy was in the first grade, her teacher came up with an ingenious idea to put sanitizer on her fingers to discourage this activity. It does work cheap long prom dresses, however, it does not prevent nighttime finger sucking. We are planning on having a mouth guard put in along with her braces.When Lucy is hyperstimulated, such as when blood gets flowing to joints during exercise, she says her skin becomes itchy. Trying to take a walk with Lucy is harder than taking a walk with our 6-month-old lab. Every few feet ball gown dresses, she needs to stop, bend over and scratch her walking sticks.Our peditrician suggested many things to help with this type of behavior. She told us to go dye-free and perfume-free with our laundry detergent, soaps and moisturizers. We did all of these things, and Lucy still scratches everywhere like she took a long tumble in the giggle weeds.We noted over the years that there were certain types of clothing which made this behavior worse. Jeans are out; they are too tight, too heavy. Lucy says that they are "itchy and hot." Dresses and loose clothing are best for Lucy. We do need to watch the fabric. Cotton is a must; the lighter the feel of the weave, the better. Lucy also struggles with turtlenecks and certain collars. Recently, Soft: Clothing for All Children sent us some clothing items to test. These products have a light feel to the weave, they avoid using buttons, zippers or tags and they have few seams.Lucy says, "I don't like tight jeans or tight leggings or tight bathing suits. They make me sweat, but I love your soft clothing. It's soft, not itchy."These types of products make my job as a mom easier. Now all I need to do is make sure she's not wearing earrings so she doesn't claw her ears until they bleed, keep her from all unpleasant aromas and warn her to cover her ears for all loud noises―piece of cake!Read more about autism in Jean's column, Autism Unexpected in the Communities at the Washington Times.DISQUS... 上一页 目录 下一页 Made by an Unregistered version of eTextWizard V 1.99Topics related articles:2011 Prom DressesLong Prom Dresses2011 prom gownsPlus size prom dressesDesigner Prom Dressesprom DressesProm Dresses 2011Cheap Prom DressesShort Prom Dresses http://community.devatude.com/pg/blo...igner-prom-dre http://community.devatude.com/pg/blo...igner-prom-dre http://www.ushispanicsocial.com/pg/b...cheap-grad-dre http://www.guatv.com/profile_blogs/e...view&id=224882 http://www.ushispanicsocial.com/pg/b...7ball-gown-dre

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