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قديم 04-14-2011, 05:44 PM
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(CBS) Mum's still the word on what Kate Middleton 上一页 目录 下一页 (CBS) Mum's still the word on what Kate Middleton (CBS) Mum's still the word on what Kate Middleton is wearing on her wedding day, but her maid of honor A-Line prom dresses, sister Pippa cheap Formal dresses, may have given away where she's getting her own dress from.The 27-year-old reportedly spent three hours at designer Alice Temperley's showroom in West London on Thursday prom dresses 2011, according to the Daily Mail.Pictures: Prince William and Kate MiddletonSpecial section: Britain's royal wedding"Pippa was in high spirits and very smiley Bridesmaid dresses," an onlooker told the paper. "She was carrying what seemed to be a shoe bag plus size prom dresse 2011, so possibly any gown being designed isn't for Kate but a bridesmaid dress for Pippa."Mother Carole cheap grad dresses, 56, was also on hand. The pair was greeted outside the showroom by Temperly herself long prom dresses, according to the report.Buckingham Palace said Pippa's meeting with Temperley was "a private meeting between two individuals."It's possible that Middleton's gown could come from the designer as well - she wore a black and white dress by the designer back in December for her first official engagement with Prince William."Kate loves Alice's collections grad dresses, especially the simplicity of the designs," a source told the Mail.According to the report cheap Cocktail dresses, Middleton may have commissioned two dresses for the April 29 wedding - one for the ceremony at Westminster Abbey, and another for the reception at Buckingham Palace. 上一页 目录 下一页 Made by an Unregistered version of eTextWizard V 1.99Topics related articles:2011 Prom DressesLong Prom Dresses2011 prom gownsPlus size prom dressesDesigner Prom Dressesprom DressesProm Dresses 2011Cheap Prom DressesShort Prom Dresses http://vb.arabseyes.com/showthread.p...31#post3245331 http://vb.arabseyes.com/showthread.p...30#post3245330 http://community.devatude.com/pg/blo...7ball-gown-dre http://vb.arabseyes.com/showthread.p...28#post3245328 http://community.devatude.com/pg/blo...short-prom-dre

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