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قديم 04-18-2011, 10:58 AM
buy insanity Phenadrine by Biogen

For an additional source, check out Phenadrine on the very popular Sensational.com When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Phenadrine on DietBlogTalk.com OverviewConsumers have to sort through a lot of rubbish on the market already. So it’s no help when a product is advertised as the next best thing in weight loss, and then suddenly disappears. Unfortunately, this happens all the time, and Phenadrine is no exception.Phenadrine is a weight loss supplement that is or was developed by a mystery-company called, Biogen. The product is supposed to boost metabolism, suppress the appetite,buy insanity, increase mental concentration, and increase energy. But for some reason, these promises weren’t enough to keep Phenadrine available to consumers. At the time of this review, there was little to no substantive information on the product. And so, even if it can be located, we don’t recommend using Phenadrine for weight loss needs.Ingredients at a GlancePhenadrine contains White Willow Bark, Citrus Aurantium, Octopamine, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, L-Tyrosine, Caffeine, Pantothenic Acid, and Vitamin B6.Ingredients in FocusPhenadrine is based on stimulant-delivery. It employs a dangerous cocktail that consumers might want to avoid.Citrus Aurantium is prized for its Synephrine content, which boosts metabolism when used properly. Synephrine should not induce negative side effects on the cardiovascular and/or central nervous systems, but it must be used moderately if it is to work safely. When combined, or “stacked,” with Caffeine, Citrus Aurantium may become an unsafe option for weight loss. Phenadrine doesn’t settle for just Caffeine, however. It also includes Green Tea and Yerba Mate, two more stimulants. And as if this weren’t enough, Phenadrine includes Octopamine, a biogenic amine that functions similarly to dopamine. In some countries, it has been counted among illegal drugs, as it is often included in party pills for its amphetamine-like qualities.It goes without saying that pregnant or nursing women should not take Phenadrine. Those taking medication already should consult a physician.Positives???? NoneNegatives???? Contains a hazardous combination of ingredients.???? No official information.???? Mysteriously unavailable company.Final ThoughtsPhenadrine isn’t much of an option for consumers who want to lose weight safely. We recommend good old diet and exercise, first of all. But these may be supplemented with fat burners and appetite suppressants if the consumer so chooses. It’s just that Phenadrine is an unsafe choice for such supplementation. And so, we say, shop elsewhere.
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قديم 04-18-2011, 11:49 AM
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