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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-21-2011, 05:48 AM
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There’s the bride ball gown dresses, the mother of the bride . . . and then there are the presenters. As the Royal Wedding approaches, female journalists reporting on the day are engaged in a unique prom dresses 2011, and somewhat unseemly long prom dresses, scramble over what to wear.Gone are the days when presenters simply went to a shop and bought a suitable outfit. Instead, stylists have been consulted, designer favours called in and, in one case, a Press release sent out publicising the outfit of a BBC journalist. Last night, a spokeswoman for British label Mulberry said BBC presenters Sophie Raworth and Fearne Cotton, as well as Cat Deeley for CNN, would be wearing its designs.She said: ‘In addition to Cat Deeley ball gowns, I’m pleased to tell you we are also dressing Fearne Cotton for her BBC broadcast in a pink skirt suit, and Sophie Raworth of the BBC has chosen a Mulberry dress to wear for either her daytime or evening broadcast.’ She confirmed they would be borrowing their outfits. In a practice seen at showbusiness events such as the Oscars cheap Cocktail dresses, fashion houses lend clothes for free in return for publicity � in this instance an estimated global audience of 2.5billion.However, a BBC source said: ‘Fashion houses may have offered outfits but no agreements have been made with any of our presenters. Sophie and Fearne have looked at a number of dresses but they haven’t agreed anything with anyone.’Change of plan: The BBC's Mishal Husain has had to change her wardrobe for the big day following a PR company gaffChange of plan: The BBC's Mishal Husain has had to change her wardrobe for the big day following a PR company gaffLast week cheap prom dresses 2011, Red Hot PR issued a Press release announcing that BBC World News presenter Mishal Husain would wear a little-known brand, Voy, set up by Ghanaian designer A-Line dresses, Vesta Okyere-Yeboah.Endorsement is against BBC guidelines and last night the PR company said Ms Husain, who also fronts BBC 1’s Sunday evening News At Ten, had not known about the release.Managing director Liz Bolton said: ‘It was sent without her knowledge. She tried to help us earlier in the week and we didn’t bother to check it with her.’When asked what that help entailed, Ms Bolton said: ‘All I’m saying is it went out without her knowledge or approval.’Ms Husain chose a grey dress and a customised coat in aqua blue, for which she paid cost price.Ms Okyere-Yeboah told The Mail on Sunday: ‘We were going to do them free of charge but she insisted on paying so we did wholesale.’Ms Husain has told friends she will not now be wearing the outfit.Last night, a spokesman for the BBC said: ‘No decisions have yet been taken as to what presenters will be wearing.‘The clothing will be sourced in line with BBC guidelines and will not be given for free or at a reduced cost in exchange for presenters wearing them on air.’Her eye for high fashion has always marked her out as a different creature from the traditional sombre-suited Prime Minister’s wife. But Samantha Cameron could be about to break one of the longest-standing sartorial rules � by not wearing a hat to the Royal Wedding.Whispers that Mrs Cameron might be bare-headed when she enters Westminster Abbey began after her sister dropped a hint in this month’s Vogue magazine.Emily Sheffield, the style magazine’s deputy editor and Mrs Cameron’s younger sister pink prom dresses, referred to the possibility in a piece about Kate Middleton’s evolution into a Royal bride.Discussing the fevered anticipation ahead of the big day, and without mentioning her relationship to Mrs Cameron, she asks: ‘Will anyone � Samantha Cameron? � break with tradition and avoid a hat?’As Miss Sheffield often acts as an unofficial stylist to her sister cheap grad dresses, it is likely that if anyone knows what Mrs Cameron will be wearing on April 29, it is her.As our columnist James Forsyth reveals today, the Prime Minister is also shunning tradition by refusing to wear tails to the wedding. To avoid appearing ‘posh’, he will wear a lounge suit.Mrs Cameron has ignored accepted dress codes on previous occasions, including for the Queen’s speech at the State Opening of Parliament last May, when she made headlines by choosing notto wear a hat.Most experts believe that a similar decision for the Royal Wedding would constitute a significant faux pas � possibly even distracting attention from the bride, considered to be the ultimate crime.However, etiquette bible Debrett’s states: ‘Hats are traditional, but by no means compulsory, at weddings.’At Prince Edward’s wedding, guests were actively discouraged from wearing hats, but at most society nuptials they continue to be de rigeur.The custom results from the fact it was deemed an insult to God for women to enter a church with their head uncovered. 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قديم 04-22-2011, 01:51 PM
:heee: :heee: :heee: :heee: :heee:

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