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قديم 04-23-2011, 09:28 AM
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For any fashion designer looking to crack the international business, knowing the statistics is critical, he says, insisting that for every 100 brands that are created only one is commercially successful. The type of clients that Indian designers are trying to reach at home and abroad are very distinct, and both are looking for markedly different things. According to official figures,p90x recovery drink, last year close to 160 purchaseers registered for the five-day event. This year, that number has risen to some 190. Going global The high-end of fashion was long the preserve of the country's elite. However,diesel jeans online, that is no longer the case.Mr Chopra says that India's top designers have toyed with the idea of chasing foreign markets. Event organisers say it has, over the years, witnessed a steady rise in attention from international outlets, fashion representatives and purchaseers. Anil Chopra, chief executive of Lakme Fashion Week, is convinced that deals are being done - though it is hard to ascertain exactly how much business is generated through such events because interactions between designers and purchaseers remain confidential. And that perspective is supported by the numbers: Some 95% of business conducted as a result of fashion week is domestic. While purchaseers and stores may consider purchaseing parts of traditional collections or outfits, selling them as a whole is,A Legend Beyond H ..., at present, difficult. Just beginning Dressing the West When pondering its potential growth,diesel jeans, experts point out that India is where Brazil was 15 or 20 years ago. Skip to content Skip to local navigation Skip to bbc.co.uk navigation Skip to bbc.co.uk search Help Accessibility Help 22 March 2011 Last updated at 05:27 GMT India's fashion industry faces challenges to go global By Nidhi Dutt Presenter, India Business Report, BBC World, Mumbai A major challenge that purchaseers and consultants foresee for Indian designers is that of supply and delivery. There are, however, some designers that will always long for the runways of London, Paris and New York. And many of them, Mr Amed observes,diesel jeans buy, are young start-ups.The Indian fashion industry is still in its infancy. The trick, however,P90x Schedule, is deciding who to create for and who to sell to. However, the real money and prestige has always come from impressing domestic purchaseers. As the middle class grows, wages rise, and style becomes more accessible,diesel lowky jeans, the Indian market is turning into a place of great opportunity, for both local and international designers. Some 78 designers from across India converged on Mumbai, the country's entertainment and financial capital, to showcase their wares as part of this season's fashion week. In his post-show press conference at this year's event, designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee remarked that he sells to around 17,diesel jeans wholesale,000 clients every year. With the delicate production of most Indian garments, the question, analysts say, is simple: If Indian designers want to compete in international markets, can they meet these short deadlines and still produce high quality clothes?But when it comes to an emerging market such as India, it shows that companies and some of the industry's most influential people are watching closely, and expecting more. For Indian designers, the possibilities on either side of the equation are large: A domestic market with more than one billion potential clients, as well as an international market keen to see them combine traditional flare with Western commercial viability. Christian Leone, vice president of brand relations for online luxury website Gilt Groupe, says that while many of these garments are beautifully made, they remain hard to sell to even the most fashion-savy clients in the United States and Europe. As a result, their need then to look outside India for haute, niche and commercial success is limited. When it comes to looking further afield, the production of garments for American and European markets is "not that significant", he adds.Accessibility linksImran Amed, founder and editor of fashion consultancy website the Business of Fashion,ladies diesel jeans, points out that they have to be more decisive about which market they are looking to appeal to. The style and type of clothes that Indian designers tend to produce are well suited to neighbouring markets that not only associate with the aesthetic but rely on India for such output,true religion website CAD, he says. Mr Amed says that the international fashion industry is speeding up. Production processes are getting faster and lead times are shrinking. Fashion,diesel jeans on sale, flamboyance and looking good have always been integral parts of Indian culture. British Broadcasting CorporationHome They add that Brazilian designers are now gaining global recognition for their ability to serve both local and foreign markets well.Organisers concede that these are not big figures when compared with the packs of hungry purchaseers and brand representatives that attend fashion weeks in London, Paris,Find Fashion Design Schools, Milan and New York. Lakme Fashion Week, the country's premier fashion event, has now entered its 13th year. Essentially, international markets work on principles of commercial viability and wearability. This makes the traditional Indian look hard to push on shop floors. Given India's population, this it not a big number. Indian designers are renowned for their flair and attention to detail. Those that produce traditional garments are singled out for their ornate craftsmanship. Observers of the Indian market say that the growing wealth and disposable incomes of the country's middle and upper classes is creating big opportunities for local producers, particularly high-end designers. From commercial collections to haute couture, experts say that by and large they put on impressive shows. Much of the interest is being generated by purchaseers from the Middle East, according to Mr Chopra.Mr Amed says that some Indian designers still struggle with the fundamental ideals of what makes an international fashion label successful: Professionalism,diesel jeans wholesale, reliability, and quality. Rising popularity Of these purchaseers, 40 represent international firms and brands.However, consider the average cost of a Sabyasachi shalwar kameez, around $500 (£308), and it is clear that he tailors his garments to attract India's monied elite. Domestic bliss Mainly domestic In recent years there has been a certain element of schizophrenia in the Indian fashion industry when it comes to picking what to focus on, Mr Amed says.

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