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قديم 04-29-2011, 07:11 PM
Windows XP SP3 Acronis VL ENG Quick installation/04/17/2011 تنصيب سريع وتحديث الشهر

Windows XP SP3 Acronis VL ENG Quick installation/04/17/2011 تنصيب سريع وتحديث هذا الشهر

For the basis of the assembly is taken by the original distro Microsoft Windows ? XP Professional SP3 VL IE8, WMP11. The system was installed and updated on 04/17/2011 then "untied" from the "iron" and packed with Acronis 2011. Do not apply tweaks. Installed on any PC for 5-10 minutes

: Additional Information

automatically installed the driver LAN, WLAN, IDE / SATA / SCSI / RAID
Automatically disable unused SATA / SCSI / RAID
On the desktop folder is rendered "SetUP HAL" is located in a batch file Multi-CPU.cmd. It must be run after installation of basic equipment if the CPU multi-core
After installation, you can delete the C: \ Setup


item to the boot menu, "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multiprocessor PC" made on a case if the first point system does not start and after the complete installation hardware (including HAL) it can be removed from boot.ini
Make sure that before the first reset driver IDE / SATA / RAID to install! You can use the C: \ Setup \ DevInst.exe for doustanovki
Using Acronis True Image Disk Image to read file

: Offline

System Restore



System Requirements (Standard for Win XP

CPU: P4 233 MHz or higher
RAM: 256-512 MB or more
HDD: 4 GB or more

Year: 2011
Version: update on 04/2011
Resolution: 32 bits
Language: English
Tablet: Not required

part 01


part 02


part 03

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