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قديم 05-04-2011, 04:15 PM
برنامج لكتابة اسمك بشكل متحرك رهيب

احدث اصدار من عملاق تصميم الكلمات المتحركة بكل سهولة MAGIX 3D Maker V6.10

MAGIX 3D Maker - A simple program to create 3D animation. Contains over 1000 objects, surface textures and fonts, plus about a hundred animated templates and styles. You can use MAGIX 3D Maker to transform simple text and graphics templates into professional logos, banners and buttons, you can use to decorate your websites, emails and presentations! In addition, the program has the ability to save animation as AVI file, which is useful for creating three-dimensional text in the video.

The program has many settings, including color, font, font size, filling the text or textured giving it various three-dimensional shapes. Text can be rotated in any direction and flow of light to any angle, changing its color and intensity. You can create stunning 3D animation in the formats of Flash, GIF or AVI. You can also save and install any of the created animation as a screensaver (screensaver).

Ideal for:

Creating 3D text in video

Programs slideshow

Web Design

Presentation and layout

Additional Features:

Unlimited restore options make experimentation uncomplicated

A total of 27 different edge types and different edge angles

Edge smoothing for precise screen presentation (anti-aliasing)

Flexible control over color and texture in all areas of the image

Even background textures can be scaled, rotated, and colored

Images can be displayed as front and rear sides or made hollow

Create images matte or with shine

Animation of any truetype fonts

Real-time presentation of shadows, borders, textures, spaces, and much more

Open / Import: Windows metafile (*. wmf, *. emf), texture (*. bmp, *. gif; *. ico, *. jpg, *. png), MAGIX3D (*. X3D), Xtreme (*. xar, *. web)

Export of still graphics: JPEG (*. jpg), bitmap (*. bmp), PNG (*. png) [including full PNG alpha channel for transparent background], GIF (*. gif), Flash bitmap (*. swf) , Flash vector (*. swf), icon (*. ico), cursor (*. cur)

Export as animation: AVI (*. avi), GIF (*. gif), MAGIX CFX (*. cfx) [including full PNG alpha channel for transparent background], Flash bitmap (*. swf), Flash vector (*. swf ), screensaver (*. scr), animated cursor (*. ani)

Save project: MAGIX3D (*. X3D)

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