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قديم 05-11-2011, 11:14 PM
برنامج رائع لوضع صورك فى ايطارات AMS Photo Frames 6.0

برنامج رائع لوضع صورك فى ايطارات AMS Photo Frames 6.0

البرنامج نسخة محمولة بورتابل

AMS Photo Frames is the special graphic editor intended for imposing of various frameworks and borders in a photo. Except the given function, Photo Frames possesses also a wide set of means for processing and correction of images that gives open space for your creativity. Results of work can be looked through in fullscreen mode, to keep in various formats and printing

Photo Frames is the first program, allowing to impose both vector, and raster frameworks. Advantage of vector frameworks in independence of their quality of the size of a photo. Even if you will Frame a photo in the size 5000 x 3000 points these frameworks will look excellently. However possibilities of the given format of frameworks are not boundless, therefore many users wish to use and raster frameworks which provide the maximum realness.

• Support of formats BMP, JPEG, GIF, ICO, WMF, EMF, PNG, APS.
• Adjustment of base parametres of the image: brightness, contrast, colour balance.
• Changes of the size of the image and a canvas scrap.
• Imposing of frameworks of six various types (all more than 70 frameworks in the complete set).
• Possibility of application of special effects: wave, noise, negative, etc.
• the Catalogue of effects allowing quickly to look result of application of filters.
• Addition of inscriptions to the image.
• the Adjusted interface of the program: possibility of a choice of a background of the editor and style of panels.
• Convenient dialogue of the press.

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مجموعة كبيرة من فريمات الصور Frames for photo kasper1974 دروس الفوتوشوب - Adobe Photoshop 3 12-20-2010 06:12 PM
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الساعة الآن 02:49 AM.

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