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قديم 05-21-2011, 05:56 PM
برنامج عمل شهادة لأى برنامج

Sign the Unsigned Symbian - 100% Working and Easy

Hotfile Link | Size: 5.1 MB

Sign the Unsigned Symbian Apps - Its nothing just a few step tutorial by which anyone can easily get rigid of the commonly occured error over symbian OS "Certificate Expired".

This error comes when the application file is Unsigned and we need to signed it to install it or we have to hack our cell phone.

But this is a few step tutorial I personally used it and found that way by my RnD.

Its 100% working method. It can Signed the v5 applications (.sisx) also without hack or damage your cell phone.
Application signed using my methods works properly without creating any problem to user.

And the steps are that much easier that a child how can read will able to follow the steps and achieve the goal which is to Sign the Unsigned Symbian Application.

If it works for you then please let me know and face any problem them I'm there to help you with open heart.

Download: 5.1 MB

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