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قديم 05-24-2011, 12:12 PM
عملاق تصحيح الاخطاء وتسريع النظامPC Fix 2011 v3.05 بحجم 2 ميجا على اكثر من سرفر

PC Fix 2011 v3.05
PC Fix 2011 v3.05 | 2.33 Mb

PC Fix 2011 يقوم باصلاح سجل ويندوز ويسرع اداء الجهاز. علاوة على ذلك فان من ميزاته تحسين استقرار
ومنع حوادث الانهيار والتجمد وتحسين الاتصال بشبكة الانترنت

والكثير والكثير

PC Fix Registry Cleaner prevents system slowdowns, freezing or crashing problems, Windows startup issues, partial program removal, obsolete application shortcuts, Java Script Errors, Missing DLL or OCX, Internet Explorer errors, ActiveX Components difficulties, Outlook Express wrongdoings.

Using a high performance Windows registry detection Algorithm and a very simple and intuitive user interface, PC Fix analyzes your entire system registry and repair all PC errors in order to restore your PC optimum efficiency. PC Fix's deep-scanning effectively defragments & compresses your system registry so your PC runs FASTER and smoother than ever before.

The scan results are clearly displayed at the end of each PC scan to enable you to manually select each registry entry for custom repair (of course, you may as well opt for the simple quick automatic repair). Automatic scan and repair process takes from 2 up to 3 minutes on average.

PC Fix automatically creates a backup of your PC registry at each PC scan. You will be able to recover past configurations of your PC registry at any time if required.

Other main features of PC Fix are: Startup Manager, Scan Scheduler, Advanced Repair (that is, customized remote support provided by one of our friendly HELPDESK Support representatives).

Repair Windows Errors
Old software fragments still living on your computer's registry cause conflicts and errors on your PC. Our Enhanced Error Detection Scan is a powerful tool that rapidly locates these errors and removes them from Windows.

Surf the Internet faster
PC Fix automatically detects and repairs errors in your internet browser (like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). ActiveX and other common errors are taken care of, so you can just surf the internet without suffering any freezes or crashes.

Boost PC Speed
Defragmentation technology in PC Fix optimizes your Windows registry and restores your computer's original performance. With a faster PC, you will just become more productive at work and in your spare time!

Prevent Crashing or Freezing
Frequent Windows crashes or freezes are mostly caused by invalid registry entries. By using our software to locate these entries, you will no longer have to deal with such irritating problems.

Save Time and Money
PC Fix allows you to safely repair a very large set of problems (ActiveX, Windows Registry, Missing Dll, OCX, Runtime, Blue screen, System32, Application Paths, File Extensions, etc). Say goodbye to wasting time on PC manuals and costly call out and repair charges.

Homepage: http://www.pc-fix-cleaner.com/en/index.html





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