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قديم 06-10-2011, 07:51 PM
لعبة حرب الشوارع Martial.Arts.3D.V1.19 وتستطيع لعبها بالبلوتوث مع اصدقائك


[type: Game/Application (Symbian) file size: 622kb € 11.00

Martial Arts 3D is nothing short of a rough and dirty street fighting game, where only the strongest and most skilled survive! In front of a blood thirsty audience in full packed arenas world wide, you have to fight evil and ruthless opponents trained in full contact martial arts and more...

Survive not only one, but three unmerciful championships, or challenge your enemies in a multiplayer street fight over Bluetooth! Enter the most furious tournament to ever take place in your mobile phone!


Advanced fighting system with special combos, side steps, tech rolls, counter hits, juggle trix and more!
Five fighters with unique fighting skills, style, moves and combos!
Three game modes:
"Challenge Mode" with three difficulty levels, each with different set of fighting missions
"Single Fight" where you select opponent, difficulty level and rules...
"Versus Mode" a multiplayer fighting over Bluetooth!
Hidden bonus modes!
Blazing 3D graphics and amazing animations!
Excellent sound effects and full force feedback!

Compatible Phones

Nokia 3660, 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6670, 7610, 6630, 6680, N70, 7650, 3650, Ngage, Ngage QD Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910 Motorola A920, A925, A1000

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