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قديم 07-16-2011, 12:37 AM
CyberLink PhotoDirector 2011 برنامج ادارة الصور الاحترافي

CyberLink PhotoDirector 2011 v2.0.1816
FiNAL Incl Keymaker
Develop spectacular photos that express your creative vision. Experience native support for RAW files from Canon and Nikon cameras and explore the vast potential of your creativity in PhotoDirector’s nondestructive editing environment. Connect with pros on DirectorZone and share and download unlimited presets that will transform your photography. Easily manage large batches of photos and massive photo libraries. Photographers serious about their hobby do it all with PhotoDirector 2011. Import your images to PhotoDirector and immediately gain access to a powerful but easy to use library with advanced searching, sorting, tagging and flagging tools for easy management of even large batches of photos. Select the best images you want to enhance from your collection with the help of PhotoDirector’s extensive viewing modes. Choose between the most dynamic adjustment tools and watch as your photos turn into masterpieces
Size : 95.70 MB

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-16-2011, 01:08 AM
ياشيخ عربي ما نفهم:lamao: :lamao: :lamao: :lamao: :lamao: :lamao: :lamao: :lamao:
بس مشكور على الجهد وارجو المره المقبله عربي
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