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قديم 07-19-2011, 07:29 PM
البرنامج العملاق لخلط الاصوات وعمل الريمكسات المتنوعه DJ Studio Pro 9

DJ Studio Pro
برنامج DJ Studio Pro يعتبر من البرامج الراقية والعملاقة في مجال الدي جي وخلط الاصوات
البرنامج يدعم صيغ الصوت التالية
MP3, WMA, M4A , AAC , MP4, OGG, and CD
يقوم البرنامج بدمج وتسجيل وتقطيع ودبلجة الصوت لصق الصوت دمج نغمة مع نغمة او دمج اغنية مع اغنية او دمج انشودة مع انشوده برنامج رائع في الدبلجه وفي خلط الأصوات والمكسجه والكثير من اعمال الدي جي

DJ Studio Pro is the ultimate music player and audio toolkit, that allows you to mix your favorite music like a professional DJ! Great for special occasions, clubs or just as your main player. DJ Studio Pro is full featured Twin deck player with manual and automatic fading between decks, including seven of our other audio utilities: Audio Converter, CD Audio Grabber, Audio Editor/ Splitter, Smart ID3 TAG Editor, Lyrics Editor, Album Cover Image Editor, CD Audio Creator/ Burner.
Plays all file types including M4A (iPod aac), MP4, MP3, Windows Media Audio, Real Player, Apple QuikTime and Ogg Vorbis. Standard play, offset play and cross fading. Playing CD's - you can play tracks directly from CD, the track loads to memory in seconds, you can then remove the CD and insert another CD, the track will play to the end. Database with fast search and queue. Includes all conversion and editing features of our Digital Music Pad.
Order database by Album, Genre, Artist etc. Adjust speed without changing pitch. Variable speed fading between decks. Play sound clips when fading between decks or at any time manually. Includes sound effect clips. Easy beat matching system. Shows lyrics contained within audio files. Included web browser automatically finds band and artists official web sites. Get all the information about the band including tour dates etc. CD track titles and album cover artwork retrieved automatically

19 ميجا

DJ Studio Pro
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