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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 07-22-2011, 08:03 PM
برنامج لعمل شات بالبلوتوث

• السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

• الحمد الله رب العالمين حمدا كثيرا طيب مباركا فيه والصلاه والسلام على خير الأنام والمرسلين

6-5-2006:: برنامج Ian Ratcliffe Mobi Flirt v1.0 لعمل شات بالبلوتوث يدعم Symbian9.1

6-5-2006:: برنامج Ian Ratcliffe Mobi Flirt v1.0 لعمل شات بالبلوتوث يدعم Symbian9.1

Ian Ratcliffe Mobi Flirt v1.0

MobiFlirt allows users to swap profiles and photos, chat, send winks, find your perfect match with other users and even bluejack other devices using Bluetooth. And its FREE!

MobiFlirt runs discretely behind the scenes on a mobile phone, advertising the users profile and photo and swapping profiles and photos with other users close-by. This allows the program to search for potential love matches and in turn, advertises the user's picture and profile. Whether users are looking for a date or just want to browse or chat to people in their local vicinity, MobiFlirt is their new best friend. MobiFlirt is a unique piece of software aimed at people of any age who own a Bluetooth-enabled Symbian phone.

MobiFlirt runs all day, every day, so whether users are on a bus, in a bar or simply doing their weekly shop, MobiFlirt is cupid in their pocket. MobiFlirt gives its users the opportunity to create a "wish list" for their love match. Users can define :::, age, height etc; MobiFlirt then does the leg work in tracking down a potential date!
MobiFlirt, not only allows users to see potential dates but to contact them as well! Once users have seen a photo and profile of their potential date, they are able to send winks, messages, SMS text messages or their personal calling card which contains their picture and vital statistics. For the modest or shy user, MobiFlirt even includes a delay option. This allows the user to send their calling card to a potential love match with a chosen delay before it alerts the recipient to the fact they have received a MobiFlirt calling card. This enables the sender to avoid the "embarrassment factor" associated with dating! The potential love match can then simply click the received calling card to send a text message to the sender via the MobiFlirt servers.
The software is also capable of sending BlueJacking messages to other people with incompatible phones or who do not have MobiFlirt installed. These BlueJack messages give the recipient the ability to reply via the MobiFlirt WAP site.
MobiFlirt even has a novel function whereby it can send itself to other users who are not yet lucky enough to have MobiFlirt installed on their phone. Users simply select another Bluetooth enabled mobile phone in range and then MobiFlirt automatically copies itself on to the recipient's phone extending the network of MobiFlirters.
Once users have installed the software on their phones, MobiFlirt asks users to upload their profile to the MobiFlirt website enhancing their chances of love by making their profile accessible to millions of other single people on the internet!
MobiFlirt brings dating and communicating in to the 21st century. MobiFlirt is going to make meeting your love match easier and less intimidating. Users will now be able to discretely show their interest in people that they would never have dreamed of approaching normally.

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