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قديم 08-01-2011, 09:52 AM
برنامج لتحديد الأماكن HotSpot Navigator v0.4 beta

برنامج لتحديد الأماكن HotSpot Navigator v0.4 beta

HotSpot Navigator v0.4 beta j2me S60v3

Navigation software for your J2ME-enabled mobile phone with OpenStreetMap - ****d maps. It can connect to an internal GPS receiver to acquire current position and navigate to one of known hot spot from internal data****. While navigation HotSpot Navigator shows map, current position, speed, course, and distance to landmark.
display map with OpenStreetMap tiles
off-line mode, working without internet connection
mark any point as landmark
show raw GPS information
track autosave
load and analyse created tracks (show position, distance, speed and time of any point on the track)
update any visible tiles of map
parse barbelo (kismet) logs and store extracted information
store hot spot landmarks in internal data****
show direction and distance to selected hot spot (navigate)
fullscreen mode
on-disk and in-memory cache for smooth scrolling

يتيح لك هذا التطبيق الملاحة وتحديد الأماكن بإستخدام الـ GPS عبر هاتفك المحمول ..


HotSpot Navigator v0.4 beta

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الساعة الآن 10:05 PM.

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